Global Poverty Weekly Update June 1, 2015

May 25, 2015

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | June 1, 2015


Remembering Bob Dickerson

We honor the life and legacy of the extraordinary Bob Dickerson. Read a tribute from Executive Director Joanne Carter, and add your own thoughts and remembrances.

Maternal/Child Health = Enlist Your Community to Write Letters

The push for media on maternal/child health continues, and we add to the mix letter-writing to (and meetings with) members of Congress. Our approach? To build awareness of and support for the pending maternal/child health legislation that will first appear in the Senate, then in the House. Resources below!

Schedule those face-to-face meetings for the next recess. Prepare to make your maternal/child health request(s) of your members of Congress.

Join Senator Chris Coons of Delaware on Saturday, June 13

June's National Grassroots Webinar/Conference Call is coming up soon! Gather others, settle in, and join advocates from around the country on Saturday, June 13 when we welcome Senator Chris Coons, the Democrat lead on the upcoming maternal/child health legislation in the Senate. To register for the webinar, go to You can also dial in for audio-only at (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 29130670.

Webinars of Note: Great Chances to Learn!

1. Community Letter-Writing for Impact on our Maternal/Child Health Campaign Webinar, June 1 at 8 pm ET. This webinar will give you ideas for creating an environment of support around the MCH legislation such that our senators and reps are persuaded and compelled to take bold action on the bill. Let's talk about ways to create an outreach meeting focused on letter-writing to generate overwhelming political will for maternal and child health! Log in to Or, for audio only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 28883434.

2. Advocacy 101 Training and What to Expect at the International Conference Webinar, June 2, 8 pm ET. To join, go to Or, to join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595, passcode 28699630 for audio only. On this webinar, RESULTS staff will overview the basics of how to have a good lobby meeting either at home during Congressional recesses or in DC during the RESULTS International Conference. We'll also touch on what to expect during our conference Lobby Day in DC and resources to help you prepare to make the most of this opportunity! (This training will be repeated on June 24 at 9 pm ET and July 9 at 1 pm ET.)

3. The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Global Health, June 3, 9 pm ET. To log into the webinar, please use link Or, to join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 29010866. Our special guest will be Ms. Judit Rius Sanjuan, the U.S. Manager & Legal Policy Advisor of the Access Campaign for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in New York. RESULTS believes that TPP has the potential to affect our mission of ending poverty and creating a world where everyone can access healthcare. The availability of affordable, generic drugs has been critical in our progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. The TPP threatens access to affordable medicines by expanding pharmaceutical companies' monopoly power and limiting competition from generic drugs. Please join us as we discuss TPP and its its potential effects on our global health work.  

Just One More: Who Else Might Come to the RESULTS International Conference?

We have almost 100 U.S.-based global campaigns advocates joining us in DC this summer for the best party of the year. If every global campaigns group brought one more attendee to the conference, we'd blast past our goal of 150 attendees from our global campaigns groups!

1. How Do I Register? You can register online for the 2015 International Conference, to be held in DC July 18-21. The registration rate is $100 for active RESULTS volunteers and $200 for non-volunteers, but those rates go up on June 1! Look to our dedicated conference page for all the details on logistics, agenda, etc.

2. Start Booking Your Meetings with Your Members of Congress for Lobby Day! More guidance on this process will be coming your way should you need it, but if you're experienced at booking Lobby Day meetings, there's no time like the present! Remember: Lobby Day is July 21, and we know that our maternal/child health campaign will be a priority issue we'll be discussing with our members of Congress. Also, for convenience, you might try booking your Senate meetings for the morning and your House meetings for the afternoon.

3. Have You Asked a Friend to Consider Coming to the Conference? Do you have a friend, colleague, or family member who you know would be a great advocate? Any RESULTS volunteer who recruits a NEW person to join us at the 2015 International Conference will be entered into a raffle to win two free tickets to the RESULTS 35th Anniversary Benefit Gala on July 22 (plus a free room night at the conference hotel for July 22). After four days of building our movement and taking action, you and your guest will get to hear straight from Prof. Muhammad Yunus at this great event. It’s simple: find a friend to join you at the conference and register in advance, then let Jos Linn ([email protected]) know your name and the name of the person you registered. Then we’ll make sure you’re entered into the raffle for Gala tickets.

4. Need a Financial Hand Getting to the Conference? The IC Gap Fund for Global Poverty Volunteers is meant to "bridge the gap," helping with a modest-but-meaningful amount of money and supporting people who wouldn't otherwise be able to come to the International Conference. Click to apply.

5. Need to Find Roommates for the Conference? Want to create a carpool? Seeking other logistics advice? This is the place! Subscribe to the IC Help Share e-list by sending an email to [email protected].

6. Are You a Runner or Walker? Grab your cape and running shoes and plan to join us for our 3rd Annual Everyday Hero Dash 5K/1 Mile Fun Run on Sunday, July 19 at 6:30 pm ET. Can't join us in person? Then why not join us virtually? That's right! You can still join in the Everyday Hero fun and complete your own race, on your own time, and earn your medal while wearing you very own Dash t-shirt. Advance registration for the July 19 event, and virtual race option, are both open and will guarantee you a medal at the event (or mailed to your home, if you are registering virtually). Click to register.

7. Have a RESULTS Story? Submit your favorite RESULTS tale to [email protected]!

Upcoming Events

June 1, 8 pm ET. Community Letter-Writing for Impact on our Maternal/Child Health Campaign Webinar, 8 pm ET. This webinar will give you ideas for creating an environment of support around the MCH legislation such that our senators and reps are persuaded and compelled to take bold action on the bill. Let's talk about ways to create an outreach meeting focused on letter-writing to generate overwhelming political will for maternal and child health! Log in to Or, for audio only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 28883434.

June 2, 8 pm ET. Advocacy 101 Training and What to Expect at the International Conference Webinar. To join, go to Or, to join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595, passcode 28699630 for audio only. On this webinar, RESULTS staff will overview the basics of how to have a good lobby meeting either at home during Congressional recesses or in DC during the RESULTS International Conference. We'll also touch on what to expect during our conference Lobby Day in DC and resources to help you prepare to make the most of this opportunity! (This training will be repeated on June 24 at 9 pm ET and July 9 at 1 pm ET.)

June 3, 9 pm ET. Webinar: The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Global Health. To log into the webinar, please use link Or, to join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 29010866. RESULTS  believes that TPP has the potential to affect our mission of ending poverty and creating a world where everyone can access healthcare. The availability of affordable, generic drugs has been critical in our progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. The TPP threatens access to affordable medicines by expanding pharmaceutical companies' monopoly power and limiting competition from generic drugs. Please join us as we discuss TPP and its its potential effects on our global health work.  

June 10, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

June 13, 2 pm ET. National Grassroots Webinar (Global Campaigns). Special guest: Senator Coons of Delaware. To register for the webinar, go to You can also dial in for audio-only at (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 29130670.

June 15, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Free Agents Call for Global Poverty Advocates. To join, go to or (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 27781074. Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group? You are alone no more! Contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, for more information on this monthly gathering.

June 26, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

July 18-21. RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC. Registration is open.

Resources at Your Fingertips

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Skills Center

Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2015 Advocacy

2015 Global Congressional Scorecard (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Background on the New(est) Members of Congress

Contact the RESULTS Board

Quote of the Week

"Don't be sitting in the bleachers at this historical moment."

– Bob Dickerson

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