Global Poverty Weekly Update December 18, 2017

December 18, 2017

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of December 18, 2017

Quote of the Week

"Why am I different? It’s just because of education … I believe every child in this world deserves that chance."

– Selamawit Bekele, global education ambassador and RESULTS ally, in the Anniston (AL) Star

Quick Action

Take Action: Ask Your Senators to Cosponsor S.Res. 286 Supporting the Global Partnership for Education

Leading with Action: A Few More Days for Action in 2017. Call to Support GPE Replenishment!

The clock is ticking, and the February 2 replenishment conference will be here before we know it. The time to act is now! We always advocate in coalition with other great advocacy organizations, but we need to keep leading on GPE advocacy as we have been since the summer so we can see this effort over the finish line. 

1. Senate Resolution 286. The Senate Resolution supporting the Global Partnership for Education, S.Res. 286 opened for co-sponsors in October 5, World Teacher Day. This bipartisan legislation, co-lead by Sens. Booker and Rubio, is a companion to the House Resolution we've been gathering cosponsors for since the summer. Have you followed up with your senators about cosponsorship?

2. House Resolution 466. As of December 19, there are 79 cosponsors (plus originator Rep. David Reichert of Washington State) – including 24 Republicans – on H.Res. 466 supporting the Global Partnership for Education. Is your representative on the list? Can we achieve 150 cosponsors, including 50 Republicans?

Current House Cosponsors: Reichert, BilirakisBishop, Blumenauer, Bonamici, Bost, Boyle, Brady, Capuano, Carson, Castor, Castro, Clay, CoffmanCole, Conyers, Crist, Curbelo, Davis (D.), Davis (S.), Delaney, DelBene, DeFazio, DeSaulnier, Dingell, Donovan, Doyle, Engel, Eshoo, Espaillat, Evans, Fitzpatrick, Gallego, Granger, Heck, Herrera BeutlerHollingsworth, Holmes Norton, Johnson (E.B.), Kaptur, Kihuen, Kilmer, Lance, Larsen, Lewis, Lofgren, Lowey, Lujan Grisham, McCaul, McHenryMeehan, Messer, Moulton, Napolitano, Pallone, Peters, Pocan, Poe, Raskin, Rooney, Rosen, Ross, Ruppersberger, Ryan, Serrano, Sessions, Shea-Porter, Slaughter, Smith, Soto, Titus, Thompson, Wasserman Schultz, Walberg, Welch, Wilson, Yarmuth, Young, Zeldin

3. Media: Only 8 States to Go – Can We Cover The Map by January 13? Utilize this online action to generate letters to the editor on how and why GPE support is critical at this time. The 8 states, where we still need to get GPE media published in order to cover all 50 states: Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota. Let's complete all 50 states by the first national grassroots webinar/conference call of 2018 on Saturday, January 13. 

End-of-Year Housekeeping

1. Keeping Track of Your Accomplishments. Catch up now on your reporting of your meetings with members of Congress, media hits, and outreach events. It's easy!

Why do we want your reporting? So we can track your incredible advocacy! We can't count what's not reported, and we want your good work to be included and acknowledged. Here's what you've accomplished through November, according to your reporting:

  • 669 congressional meetings

  • 375 pieces of media published/broadcast

  • 322 outreach meetings

2. International Conference 2018. It's never too early to share the news of our International Conference in July. Print and share our new flyer. And did we mention that registration is now open? Register today!

3. RESULTS Office Holiday Closure. The RESULTS office will be closed December 23-January 1 for winter break. Weekly Updates will resume the week of January 1. Happiest holiday season to all!

Teeing Up a Great 2018 Start: Notes for You

1. First National Grassroots Webinar/Conference Call for 2018. Dr. Mark Dybul, former Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and current Faculty Co-Director of the Center for Global Health and Quality, will be our guest on the kick-off national grassroots conference call/webinar on Saturday, January 13 at 2 pm ET. Make plans now to gather your group and/or your community for this powerful start to our advocacy year. Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

2. Have You Set the Date for Group Planning in January? We tentatively anticipate our 2018 Group Planning Materials to be online December 22. Pick your date now – when will your group gather? Healthy group typically adopt the practice of meeting a second time in the month, beyond the national webinar/conference call. Make this first "second meeting" your group planning meeting. Dream and scheme about your stretch goals and make sure you have your foundation set for a powerful year. 

P.S. While you're thinking ahead to our work in 2018, here is some motivation to keep us fired up on our global health work focused on tuberculosis. 

3. Appropriations Webinar on January 23. New to advocating during the annual appropriations period (early part of each calendar year)? Have no fear – a webinar on appropriations basics will be held January 23 and recorded for later review and use. Details are forthcoming, but be sure to pencil it in. 

Upcoming Opportunities and Calendar Items 

December 22. Congressional Winter Recess Begins (Tentative)

December 23-January 1. RESULTS Office Closed. 

December 31. Last Day for Leaders for Action. We have had a group of generous donors step up to create our Leaders for Action Matching Fund. All donations made through the end of 2017 will be matched dollar for dollar up to $100,000 thanks for Leaders for Action! Donate today.

January 13, 2 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots. Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

January 22, 1 pm ET and 8 pm ET. RESULTS Global Free Agents Webinars (choose one). Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 35703902.

January 23. Appropriations 101 Webinar. Stay tuned for details on how to join. 

July 14-17, 2018. RESULTS International Conference. 

Resources at Your Fingertips

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Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Global Grassroots Calendar

Skills Center 

Fundraising Tools

Report 2017 Actions

115th Congress Congressional Scorecards: See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken this year and over the past few years.

Contact the Grassroots Board Members of the RESULTS Board. Also, you can view the most recently published minutes from Board meetings on the RESULTS website, as well as download RESULTS’ most recent Annual Report.


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