Global Laser Talk October 2017

October 15, 2017

Ask Your Senator to Cosponsor the GPE Resolution

Engage the Audience: Hello! And thank you for taking my call. I’m calling to let you know about the brand new Senate resolution supporting the Global Partnership for Education (S.Res. 286).

State the Problem: 263 million children and youth around the globe who should be in school are not. This is a crisis the puts us all in jeopardy, for we all pay for a world in which we don’t prepare our children for success.

Inform on a Solution: The S.Res. 286, led by Senators Rubio (R-FL) and Booker (S-NJ), pairs with the current House Resolution to support the Global Partnership for Education, or GPE. GPE is plans to get over 25 million additional kids in the classroom for the first time by 2020 as well as and improve the quality of learning and the school experience for millions of others.

Call to Action: We know that ________________ understands the power of education, and we would love to add the senator’s name to this bipartisan resolution. Would you be able to see if the Senator would cosponsor the resolution?

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