Global Laser Talk February 2013

February 8, 2013

Speaking to Congress About 2014 Appropriations Requests

Engage: Many Americans oppose foreign aid because they think we spend between 10 and 25 percent of our budget on it. But when people learn that we spend less than 1 percent of our budget on poverty-focused assistance, they feel differently.

Problem: Some in Congress use public misconceptions about foreign aid to target it for severe cuts.

Inform: But in 2011, U.S. foreign aid provided antiretroviral treatment for 3.9 million people, resulting in 200,000 HIV-free births and millions of productive lives. U.S. investments in improved water and sanitation prevent at least 860,000 child deaths per year. And our microfinance investments help millions lift themselves out of poverty. Foreign aid investments also make the U.S. more secure and benefit our economy.

Call to Action: Can we count on the Representative/Senator to speak and write to appropriators about protecting this small part of the budget that yields such tremendous outcomes? I can provide you with details on 2014 investments that will make a difference and save lives.

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