Global Laser Talk December 2012

December 6, 2012

Asking Congress to Protect Foreign Assistance Funding During Year-End Budget Talks

Engage: I’m calling to ask the Senator/Representative to protect poverty-focused foreign aid programs during the “fiscal cliff” negotiations. Also, if the FY13 budget is included in these talks, I support the Senate’s funding levels for the International Affairs budget.

Problem: International Affairs makes up just 1.4 percent of the United States’ federal budget, but it provides life-saving assistance to millions of people in the developing world while bolstering U.S. national security and economic prosperity. Sequestration or additional disproportionate cuts will cost lives.

Inform: Instead, please work on responsibly obtaining additional tax revenue, balanced with responsible spending cuts, so that our country can reduce its deficits while investing in ending poverty in the U.S. and around the world.

Call to Action: As Congress addresses the impending “fiscal cliff,” I ask the Senator/Representative to oppose harmful cuts to the International Affairs budget. I would appreciate a response to my request.

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