Global Laser Talk August 2014

August 7, 2014

Asking Your Representative to Cosponsor H.Res. 688, a Resolution Supporting the Work of GAVI Alliance

(In EPIC format)

Engage the audience: The two leading killers of children under 5—diarrhea and pneumonia—can be prevented with simple, inexpensive vaccines.

State the Problem: We have the technology and know-how to prevent these unnecessary deaths. Unfortunately, children born in developing countries miss out on these lifesaving vaccines simply because of where they were born.

Inform on a solution: Through the work of the GAVI Alliance, a global partnership for vaccines, the world has the chance to immunize 300 million children which will save over 5 million lives. Vaccines are one the safest, most cost-effective ways to save and improve the lives of children. GAVI empowers countries to ensure that children in poor countries have access to them.

Call to action: H.Res. 688 calls on the U.S. to pledge continued commitment to the GAVI Alliance and global immunization. Will you help us prevent unnecessary child deaths by becoming a co-sponsor?

(Thanks to Cindy Changyit Levin for assisting with this laser talk.)

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