2025 Global Poverty Laser Talks

January 13, 2025

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

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Engage: At the height of the AIDS crisis, the world came together to fight back. Governments and donors pooled resources to create the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. This partnership has helped save 65 million lives. Bipartisan congressional commitment plays a decisive role in this powerful tool for funding community-led health responses.

Problem: Despite recent progress, millions of people are still suffering and left behind by their health systems. For example, tuberculosis (TB) is the world’s leading infectious disease killer. It sickened almost 11 million and killed 1.3 million people in 2023 alone.

Inform: This fall, world leaders will make new pledges in the fight against AIDS, TB, and malaria. The U.S. has played a key leadership role for decades. We can bring other donors to the table by committing to matching $1 for every $2 from other countries.

Last year, the Global Fund provided anti-malaria resources and TB and HIV/AIDS treatment to millions. They helped bring down the price of HIV/AIDS resources by 20 to 50 percent. They stretch the impact of every dollar, with a return on investment of 1 to 31.

Call to Action: We need bipartisan leadership in Congress to deliver vital funding for the Global Fund. This also encourages other donors to come forward. Can we count on you to commit to continuing the U.S. one-third match, and support $2 billion in Fiscal Year 2026?

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