White House Budget Proposal Response
Washington, DC, March 16, 2017 — Responding to the new White House budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2018, Dr. Joanne Carter, Executive Director of RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund, released the following statement:
The White House budget blueprint released today is a grave threat to the world’s progress against poverty. By proposing draconian cuts to funding for global development programs through the State Department and USAID, this proposal threatens the futures of millions of people living in poverty all around the world.
Fortunately the final decisions on our federal budget lie with Congress, where there are decades of strong bipartisan support for these programs. U.S. leadership has helped halve the child mortality rate, reduce the number of out of school children by more than 40 million, put the end of the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria within reach, and so much more to advance the fight against poverty. This is thanks to ambitious investment and the commitment of congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle. If we falter now, all of it is in jeopardy.
A cut of the magnitude proposed wouldn’t just undermine our progress to date. It would imperil millions of people’s futures world-over, stripping people of access to education, quality nutrition, lifesaving health services, and more.
This budget plan threatens low-income Americans as well, with deep cuts to services like housing assistance, afterschool programs, and heating assistance. And that is on top of the devastating proposed changes to Medicaid on the table right now.
With so much on the line, it’s up to leaders in Congress to not just protect, but expand our investments in the transformational programs that save lives and move us closer to the end of poverty.
About RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund:
RESULTS supports a movement of passionate, committed everyday people using their voices to influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty. Our movement of volunteers is backed by a staff of researchers, policy analysts, and legislative and media experts. Our shared goal is the end of poverty. We have affiliates and partners across five continents, and a network of volunteers in all 50 states and worldwide. We’re a non-partisan advocacy group comprised of RESULTS Educational Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, and RESULTS, a nonprofit 501(c)4 grassroots lobbying organization.
Media Contact:
Colin Smith
+1 202.783.4800 x139