Global Gag Rule endangers global health
RESULTS warns that the executive order will harm communities already facing dire health conditions.
Washington, DC, January 27, 2025—On Friday, January 24th, President Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy or “Global Gag Rule,” which will cause a dangerous backsliding on global health care access.
When the Global Gag Rule policy has been in place, lifesaving health services have been dismantled. Communities already facing barriers to care bore the worst consequences. Outreach to underserved populations got eliminated. Clinics providing an array of crucial health care had to close. People lost access to contraception and many other essential health services. Along with countless partners and advocates, RESULTS opposes this policy.
“Versions of this damaging policy have come and gone with changes in U.S. administrations since the 1980s,” said Joanne Carter, Executive Director of RESULTS. “Every time, it leaves the health of millions of people far more vulnerable. Rules like these cause dangerous health setbacks for the very people U.S. global aid aims to support.”
Evidence shows that the Global Gag Rule restricts access to a range of lifesaving health services. It severely impacts access to maternal and child health. Women and young children are now at greater risk for poor health outcomes and even death. Its negative impact extends to a broad range of primary health services. These include treatment and prevention for HIV, tuberculosis, and other deadly diseases.
The policy requires organizations to certify that they do not use other sources of funding to provide, refer, or advocate for legal abortion services. Funding of abortion using U.S. assistance is already prohibited under longstanding U.S. law. This law remains in effect with or without the Mexico City Policy.
“This policy forces quality health providers either to close or to face often insurmountable bureaucratic burdens. And it is communities with the fewest resources that face the worst consequences,” continued Carter.
We are in solidarity with those opposing this policy and those harmed by it. And we remain steadfast in our advocacy for health care access around the world.
Media Contact:
Laura Labarre, RESULTS
[email protected]
+1 202.783.4800 x139
About RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund:
RESULTS supports a movement of passionate, committed everyday people using their voices to influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty. Volunteers and staff multiply their impact through the enormous power of advocacy.
Our movement of volunteers is backed by a staff of researchers, policy analysts, and legislative and media experts. Our shared goal is the end of poverty. We have affiliates and partners across five continents, and a network of volunteers in all 50 states and worldwide. We’re a non-partisan advocacy group comprised of RESULTS Educational Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, and RESULTS, a nonprofit 501(c)4 grassroots lobbying organization.