We did it – 70 Representatives signed the GPE letter!

September 18, 2012
by Allison Grossman, Senior Legislative Associate

Since the RESULTS International Conference, we have been advocating to members of Congress to sign on to Congresswoman Schakowsky’s letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supporting an increased US contribution of $125 million to the Global Partnership for Education in fiscal year 2013. 

With just hours left before the letter was sent to Secretary Clinton last week, we were still a few Representatives short of our goal of 70 signatories on the letter. But with one last push, committed RESULTS volunteers made the calls we needed to push us over the top – and we reached our goal of 70 members of Congress signing the letter urging the US to contribute $125 million to the GPE!

Thank you to everyone who emailed and called their Congressional offices, made follow up calls, and answered tough questions from legislative staff. With so many members signed on, this letter shows the Administration that there is broad Congressional support for the US to increase funding for the GPE.

This support is especially key as both the next GPE board meeting and the one-year anniversary of the US’s first-ever contribution to the GPE approach in November of this year. Congresswoman Schakowsky’s letter will be a critical tool we can use to push the US Administration to strengthen their leadership role and increase funding for the GPE in 2013 and beyond.

You can see the final letter here (pdf). The final list of signatories is as follows:

Robert Andrews [NJ], Karen Bass [CA], Earl Blumenauer [OR], G.K. Butterfield [NC], Lois Capps [CA], Michael Capuano [MA], Andre Carson [IN], Kathy Castor [FL], Hansen Clarke [MI], Yvette Clarke [NY], Steve Cohen [TN], John Conyers [MI], Danny K. Davis [IL], Susan Davis [CA], Diana DeGette [CO], Rosa DeLauro [CT], Ted Deutch [FL], Lloyd Doggett [TX], Donna F. Edwards [MD], Keith Ellison [MN], Anna Eshoo [CA], Sam Farr [CA], Chaka Fattah [PA], Bob Filner [CA], Gene Green [TX], Raul Grijalva [AZ], Martin Heinrich [NM], Jim Himes [CT], Ruben Hinojosa [TX], Rush Holt [NJ], Michael Honda [CA], Sheila Jackson Lee [TX], Eddie Bernice Johnson [TX], Hank Johnson [GA], Dale Kildee [MI], Dennis Kucinich [OH], Rick Larsen [WA], Barbara Lee [CA], Sander Levin [MI], John Lewis [GA], Zoe Lofgren [CA], Ben Ray Lujan [NM], Jim McDermott [WA], James McGovern [MA], Jerry McNerney [CA], Gwen Moore [WI], James Moran [VA], Eleanor Holmes Norton [DC], John Olver [MA], Frank Pallone, Jr. [NJ], Bill Pascrell, Jr. [NJ], Gary Peters [MI], Jared Polis [CO], David Price [NC], Mike Quigley [IL], Charles Rangel [NY], Silvestre Reyes [TX], Laura Richardson [CA], Steven R. Rothman [NJ], Tim Ryan [OH], Albio Sires [NJ], Janice Schakowsky [IL], Jackie Speier [CA], Pete Stark [CA], Edolphus “Ed” Towns [NY], Chris Van Hollen [MD], Henry Waxman [CA], Peter Welch [VT], Frederica Wilson [FL], Lynn Woolsey [CA]




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