UN Resolution Urges States to Respect, Protect, and Fulfill the Right to Education

July 14, 2016
by Milagros Lechleiter, Global Education Associate

Following a historic United Nations resolution urging States to respect, protect, and fulfill the right to education by strengthening public systems and regulating education provision by non-state providers, 26 civil society organizations endorsed a press release supporting the UN’s recommendations. RESULTS Educational Fund joined in supporting the UN’s resolution as it reflects our work ensuring the fulfillment of the right to education for all children.

Earlier this year, during the World Bank Spring Meetings, RESULTS Educational Fund moderated a panel which raised civil society’s concern regarding World Bank and International Finance Corporation funding of low-fee private school franchises that are believed to undermine the right to an equal and quality education for all.  

During the panel, participants questioned why the Word Bank was now investing in the expansion of for-profit, fee-charging schools when for years it was a key actor in shifting policy towards free universal education. Likewise, concerns were raised when questioning the capacity of low-fee private schools to reach the most marginalized children:

“(…) are these schools reinforcing inequalities and social tensions? (…) how do these investments help the World Bank meet its goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030″ — Tony Baker, Education for All Campaign Manager, RESULTS Educational Fund

In 2015, RESULTS Educational Fund conducted research in Kenya and Uganda seeking to further explore IFC investments in basic education. Final results are expected later this year. Preliminary findings, however, yield concerns about the role of low-fee private schools in ensuring equity in education in these countries. The findings also question how IFC investments could shift from funding private education providers towards funding initiatives that would strengthen public education systems.

RESULTS Educational Fund supports the UN and civil society organizations’ work to safeguard education as a basic human right and as a main responsibility of the State to fulfill. This historic UN resolution will aid in furthering the quality and availability of free public education for children in order to provide parents and children with a real option to forge a better future.

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