The Year Is Ending, But the Need for Action Taking Isn’t!

December 3, 2009
by John Fawcett, Global Legislative Director, RESULTS

RESULTS is supporting this petition to the White House urging that they “create a U.S. global development strategy that gives development a strong voice in foreign policy decisions and coordinates our efforts to alleviate global poverty, fight disease, and create economic opportunity.Sign the community petition here by December 17!

RESULTS has been following foreign aid reform closely for the past year and weighing in with both the House and Senate to urge them to support changes in our current development assistance that prioritize poverty reduction, country ownership and accountability for measurable achievements.

Right now, President Obama is preparing recommendations through a Presidential Study Directive that will shape the future of U.S. efforts to alleviate poverty, fight disease, and create economic opportunity for the world’s poorest people. RESULTS and other members of Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN) are using this opportunity to influence the administration before it shares its ideas with Congress.

Now is the time to show the White House how much grassroots support there is for making our foreign assistance dollars work to better alleviate poverty around the world and meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The goal is to collect 150,000 signatures by December 17. Add your name today!

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