Take the International Conference home with a local film screening!

August 6, 2013
by Michelle Cash, Global Legislative Intern

Are you already thinking of ways that you can relive parts of the 2013 International Conference and share it with your neighbors and friends? You are in luck! One of our events during the IC was a mini-film festival that showcased some of our major global and domestic campaigns on health, education, and economic opportunity.

These films and clips are all very powerful, and are great for outreach and fundraising events! If your group was particularly struck by a film/clip, and want to share with your community, I have provided their locations/links below. Enjoy!

Global Poverty Clips and Films:


TED Talk: The Good News on Poverty (Yes, there is good news): Human beings have been campaigning against inequality and poverty for 3,000 years. But this journey is accelerating. Bono “embraces his inner nerd” and shares inspiring data that shows the end of poverty is in sight . . . if we can harness the momentum.


Exposed: Chapter One: Natalie Skipper survived multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, but not before it flipped her life upside down. We weave together Natalie’s story — which took place in Nashville, Tennessee — with a global perspective on the pervasive threat posed by TB around the world.

Here I Am: HIV Composite: In the HIV Composite, members of the Here I Am Campaign talk about the fight against HIV/AIDS, and ask for support for the Here I Am campaign and to fully fund the Global Fund.

Here I Am Campaign: Thokozile Phiri-Nkhomoa: Thokozile Phiri-Nkhomoa is a Here I Am Ambassador from Malawi. This is the story of her struggle with HIV and why global health advocacy is important to her.

Here I Am Campaign: Oxana Rucisineanu: Oxana Rucisineanu is a Here I Am Ambassador from Moldova. This is her personal story of her diagnosis of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB).

Economic Opportunity:

TED Talk: Living on One Dollar: Four students from the United States spent their summer living in Guatemala on less than 1 dollar a day to try and understand the reality of poverty first hand. They never anticipated what would happen to them during those few months.


Building Hope: This is a story of how little it takes to make a big difference. Through drought, flood, and fundraising challenges, Building Hope chronicles the construction of Mahiga Hope High, and the connection between a thousand people in the U.S. and an African community working to create a better future for their children. An inspiring story of those who believe education shouldn't end at the 8th grade. *RESULTS has copies of this film. Please contact Carly Pildis ([email protected]) if you would like to screen the film.

Domestic Poverty Clips and Films:

Importance of Advocacy:

TED Talk: “Put On Your Underoos It’s Time to Save the World!” by Thomas Morgan: Upon realization that homelessness is all around us and people live in circumstances that aren’t always in their control, Morgan seeks to understand the definition of a hero. We may not have the ability to fly or “telepathically speak to the creatures of the sea,” but we can make a difference with our everyday actions and our words.


Change the First Five Years: A clip that shows the importance of having quality early childhood programs that allow children under five to thrive. These programs do not replace parents, but support them as their child’s first and most important teacher. The sad reality is that many low-income parents grew up in poverty and may not have the tools to support their child’s education. Evidence-based programs coach low-income parents on how to best support their child’s education at school and at home starting before the child is born. Only by supporting the family can we narrow the achievement gap and break the cycle of poverty.

Early Learning Matters: A video that shows the importance of early childhood education. When we support children under five by surrounding them with educational opportunities, we see a decrease in the achievement gap in the United States. This results in a higher graduation rate, a lower drop-out rate, an increase in crime prevention, and a decrease in poverty in local communities.

Economic Opportunity:

Wealth Inequality in America: Informational graphics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The reality is often not what we think it is.

Hunger and Poverty:

A Place at the Table: A documentary that showcases hunger and poverty and the effect it has on children in the United States. 50 million people in the U.S. — one in four children – don't know where their next meal is coming from, despite our having the means to provide nutritious, affordable food for all Americans. *RESULTS has a copy of this movie. Please contact Carly Pildis ([email protected]) if you would like to screen the film.

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