Standing against cuts in funding for Central America

June 25, 2019
by Crickett Nicovich, Associate Director, Global Policy and Government Affairs

As part of the global health and development community, RESULTS has grave concerns about the Administration’s proposed policy to suspend foreign aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras in response to the current border crisis. It’s shortsighted, counterproductive, and simply wrong to use this desperately-needed investment as a political bargaining chip.

The relatively small investments in these countries address the grinding poverty, instability, and human rights concerns at the root of displacement. Rescinding this funding erodes progress against poverty, and jeopardizes the health, safety, and opportunity of people across the region.

Fighting infectious diseases, ensuring good nutrition for moms and babies, and building quality basic education programs are all pillars of U.S. foreign aid. These poverty-focused programs save-lives and create space for economic opportunity in communities and economic growth on the country level. Additionally, U.S. funded humanitarian response programs help families and whole countries rebuild after a natural disaster or other shocks, such as conflict or famine.

In response, RESULTS joined a letter to Congressional leaders with over 70 organizations urging action to prevent these harmful cuts.

Statement from InterAction Member Organizations on Redirection of Funds from the Northern Triangle Countries:


We, the undersigned, strongly oppose the redirection of funds from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras as officially restated by the Department of State on June 17, 2019.

Distressing levels of gang and gender-based violence, along with worsening poverty and hunger, are displacing thousands of people in the Northern Triangle. Eliminating poverty-focused U.S. government funded assistance to the area and abandoning poor and vulnerable communities is counterproductive, short-sighted, and results in increased irregular migration. Empowering the most vulnerable reflects the best values of the American character and is essential to global human security.

We urge Congress to pass legislation now to prevent these cuts and protect future funding for the region. This ensures that the U.S. continues to play a leadership role in supporting communities and addressing the root causes of irregular migration in the region.

1,000 Days
Action Against Hunger
Alliance for Peacebuilding
Alliance to End Hunger
American Jewish World Service (AJWS)
American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa (ARAHA)
Association of Volunteers in International Service, USA (AVSI USA)
Bethany Christian Services
Better World Campaign
Bread for the World
Brother’s Brother Foundation
Cadasta Foundation
Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)
Child Aid
ChildFund International
Church World Service
Concern Worldwide U.S.
CORE Group
Food for the Hungry
Global Communities
Global Health Council
Global Water 2020
Heartland Alliance International
Heifer International
Helen Keller International
Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD)
iMMAP Inc.
Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs
International Relief Teams
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
International Youth Foundation
IntraHealth International
Islamic Relief USA
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
Keystone Human Services
Lutheran World Relief
Mennonite Central Committee U.S.
Mercy Corps
Mercy Without Limits
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International
Norwegian Refugee Council USA
Notre Dame Initiative for Global Development (NDIGD)
Oxfam America
Plan International USA
Planet Aid
Plant with Purpose
Project Concern International (PCI)
Refugees International
Relief International
ReSurge International
Save the Children
Solar Cookers International
Solidarity Center
The Hunger Project
The Nature Conservancy
Trickle Up
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
United Methodist Committee on Relief
United Nations Association – USA
Village Enterprise
WaterAid America
Women’s Refugee Commission
World Renew
World Vision

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