RESULTS at 40 – with a new look!

January 22, 2020
by Dr. Joanne Carter, Executive Director

This summer marks 40 years since a dozen people got together in a Los Angeles living room to write letters to Congress.

The story of how that living room meeting led to the RESULTS movement of today is a long one: we couldn’t fit it into a blog post. And the truth is, it isn’t one story.

It’s many stories – of the advocates, policymakers, and partners who together have transformed the fight against poverty with RESULTS.

So starting later this month, we’re launching a series of 40 stories: 40 looks inside our history and looks ahead to our future. And to kick it all off, we’re unveiling a new visual look for the organization – check it out.

Rebrand announcement

RESULTS advocacy has helped make a more equitable U.S. tax code, improve nutrition for millions of people, take down barriers to quality education, launch the global microfinance movement, send the child death rate plummeting, put us on the path toward ending the world’s major diseases of poverty, and much more.

But by far the most important part of our history is the part starting today.

Building on 40 years of advocacy, we are setting the path for 2030 and the country and the world we want. What we do in this moment will help determine that trajectory.

It may be an election year, but that doesn’t mean waiting for November to be in action. We just launched two major advocacy campaigns responding to the affordable housing crisis in the United States, and making sure the U.S. does its part to accelerate the end of preventable child deaths globally. For all the progress that’s been made, we still have a long way to go toward the equitable country and world we know is possible.

We hope you’ll join us this year: with an action, with a donation, or at our anniversary conference in DC from June 20-23. Or all three! From 1980 until today, RESULTS has never been about an organization in Washington – it’s about the people who make our movement what it is.

P.S. Stay tuned for 40 stories throughout the year, and follow for the latest updates!


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