RESULTS 2019 Grassroots Board Nominations

June 19, 2019
by Maxine Thomas, Willie Dickerson, Steven McGee, and Qiana Torregano

Dear active RESULTS Grassroots Partners, 

We are writing to offer you the opportunity to vote for one fellow RESULTS volunteer to represent the grassroots on the boards of RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund. This is a very important decision and we have great candidates.  

Now, we need your vote by July 28! 

RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund are looking to fill one grassroots board positions to serve a term of three (3) years beginning in August 2019. (There are four grassroots board seats in total.) Grassroots Board Members represent the volunteer body on the Board of Directors and on the Executive Committee of the Board. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to work with the Executive Director in shaping the direction of RESULTS, advising on major policies for the organization, and providing fiduciary oversight. The Executive Committee of the Board is the primary governing body of the organization. Members meet frequently by conference call and are in communication via e-mail and telephone calls. Members must be able to participate at this level and are expected to chair or serve on a Board Committee(s) as well as participate in fundraising for the organization. Grassroots board members play a particular role in representing grassroots’ perspectives on the board. 

Thank you to all who nominated dedicated volunteers as candidates to serve on the board—your nomination was recognition of their commitment and leadership skills. And thanks to the nominees who agreed to be considered. We’re honored! 

Find our grassroots board candidate videos and bios below.

If you are attending the International Conference in Washington D.C. this July, you will also have an opportunity to meet them in person. 

You may vote for one candidate. Remember, voting ends Saturday, July 28 at midnight Eastern Time. Click on each candidate to view their online statements and bios

Click here to cast your vote.

You may also cast your vote in person at the International Conference if you prefer. 

Thank you for your partnership and support of RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund. Please feel free to contact Jesse Marsden at [email protected] or 202.783.4800, for any assistance. It’s an honor to be your partner. 


Bill Cosgrove

(Salt Lake City, UT/U.S. Poverty & Global Group) 

William CosgroveI retired in 2017 after 34 years of pediatric practice, and I continue to serve patients one half day each week at a free clinic. For over 30 years I have been Utah’s leading advocate for immunizing children and currently serve on four immunization committees and I am directing a 3-state quality improvement project to improve pediatricians’ vaccine communication skills. Throughout my career, I have been an active member of the Utah Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and currently serve as immediate past-president, legislative chair, and chapter champion for Early Childhood issues and for Immunizations. I am active in public health advocacy work including currently serving on the Salt Lake County Board of Health, the Utah Medicaid Medical Care Advisory Committee, the Governor’s council on Early Childhood Utah, the Utah Maternal Mental Health Collaborative, the Utah Association for Infant Mental Health, and the Trauma-Resiliency Collaborative, which deals with Adverse Childhood Experiences and their life-long effects. 

My advocacy experience includes local visits and trips to Washington to lobby congress for the AAP and for RESULTS, and daily attendance at the Utah Legislature’s general session, where as a self-appointed watchdog for children I testified on many issues, and individually lobbied over 30 legislators. I participate in both the Domestic and Global group activities in Salt Lake City and serve as the Global group leader. I have had many letters to the editor and opinion pieces published in Utah papers. 

I have one guiding credo: If it is good for children and their families, it is good… and worth fighting for.  

Statement of Intent for Becoming a Grassroots Board Member of RESULTS 

As a pediatrician, I have spent 34 years daily working to improve the lives of children, one child at a time. As an advocate, I have worked, and continue to work, to improve the lives of the entire community of children and their families. Both the individual focus and the public health perspective require a long-range view based on careful planning, patience, hope, and a commitment to continually readjusting the course. 

If given the opportunity to serve on the RESULTS Board, I will bring a pediatrician’s knowledge and perspective to the many difficult issues facing the world’s children and their families. I have attended over a thousand high-risk births and thus have a first-hand understanding of the great opportunities we have to protect each child and his mother in those first dangerous moments after birth. I bring a career-long focus on prevention: preventing illness by vaccines, preventing injury by identifying and mitigating risks, and approaching every challenge by considering up-stream causes. 

Over the last decade I have come to understand, use, and teach the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences. This body of research demonstrates that the emotional life of a child directly affects the rest of his life for good or ill. Emotional trauma can affect the subsequent physical, emotional, social, economic, and mental health of the individual. This realization that adult emotional responses are altered, and in some ways severely limited, by the child’s emotional history, helps to bring a deeper understanding of our own responses and the responses of those we seek to help, and even helps to understand the responses of those in power. 

I have been the beneficiary of a life of luck and privilege. Every child deserves to be given what I have been given: nurturing, protection, safe food and water, education, and especially hope. I would like to bring my perspective and my advocacy to helping the world’s children and families by serving on the Grassroots Board of RESULTS. 

-Bill Cosgrove, MD 


Maxine Thomas 

(Indianapolis/U.S. Poverty & Global Group) 

Maxine ThomasMaxine Thomas exemplifies the true definition of a servant leader in the community. Accordingly, Maxine was awarded the 2017 Bob Dickerson leadership award in recognition for her leadership, courage, persistence, and commitment as a RESULTS Grassroots Volunteer. She is also the recipient of the Do Something, Be Someone Positive Leadership Award awarded by the Saint Florian Leadership Development Center. 

 She believes that no one should live in poverty and families must take an active role in changing their communities. 

Through RESULTS she is improving access to education, health, and economic opportunity by sharing her personal story of triumph. Maxine was elected by the grassroots advocates to serve on the International Board of Directors for RESULTS. Many media pieces have been written about Maxine’s efforts to support her community, one of which is her great success in having her own Op-Ed published on The Hill. She is passionate and committed and uses her voice to influence political change. Through the international work of RESULTS, she maintains ongoing efforts with her members of congress and elected officials.   Maxine thrives to build bridges between everyday people and our policy makers. 

As a current board member some of Maxine’s accomplishments are: The success of the organization resources and support on Domestic Poverty. Clear and direct communications from the grassroots body to the board and across the organization. Building a more inclusive and diverse organization through Anti-Oppression work and newly created Anti-Oppression Council. Pioneered her 35th Birthday as a direct fundraiser for RESULTS. Contributing a deeper awareness and need of Affordable Housing in the US and now a priority to push legislation as a top issue. 

Throughout her experiences, she has learned that making a significant change can seem impossible and at the very least takes a lot of work. She is continuously thinking of ways in which she can impact the lives of people around her. 

Statement of Intent for Becoming a Grassroots Board Member of RESULTS 

If re-elected as a grassroots board member, my service will continue in the edification of our organization and grassroots on all levels. I believe as my primary goal was to add many valuable information to improve our networks, sponsors, and allies, we have succeeded. I believe one of the key elements in reaching the masses to help eradicate our mission of ending poverty, is having firsthand experience. This understanding has afforded me and RESULTS opportunities to grow in ways that we may have yet to consider. I believe my membership on the board has increased the visibility of grassroots advocates across our community. I believe if given the opportunity to serve another term, We will expand our leadership even further within the grassroots body, build a greater impact of reaching top sponsors and donors, and drive out the depths of the most stricken countries in poverty. 

“Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a greater person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in.” -MLK 

-Maxine Thomas 

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