President Requests Increase for Global Partnership for Education in FY16!

March 9, 2015
by Allison Grossman, Senior Legislative Associate

On February 27, the President released additional appendices for his fiscal year 2016 budget request to Congress, which included key details on his request levels for a number of accounts. For RESULTS, these appendices finally provided details on his Administration's request for the Global Partnership for Education and Basic Education, which had been missing from the original request released at the beginning of the month.

The President's request included “$70 million to continue supporting the Global Partnership for Education, a partnership of developing countries, donor governments, international organizations, the private sector, teachers, and civil society/NGO groups that is focused on getting all children into school and receiving a quality education.”

This is a substantial increase from the amount included in the FY15 appropriations bill, where Congress included “no less than $45 million” for the partnership. It is also the highest number we've ever seen from the Administration for the Global Partnership, and is a true testament to the years of advocacy by RESULTS volunteers to develop support in the Administration and Congress. It also puts us in a stronger position as we encourage Congress to build on this level and include $125 million for the Global Partnership for Education in FY16.

While we're excited to see this growing level of commitment to the Global Partnership in the budget request, we are disappointed by the overall Basic Education request of just over $600 million. This is a significant cut in comparison to the FY15 level of $800 million, and we will continue to urge Congress to appropriate an overall amount of $925 million for Basic Education.

Our analysis of the rest of the budget request is on our blog, and all of our FY16 appropriations request sheets are ready for you to use with your members of Congress!

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