Overview Of New Senate Microfinance Bill, S 2027

February 9, 2012
by Ken Patterson and Jen Maurer

Jen Maurer did a great job overviewing Senate 2027, just recently introduced. The bill has been in the works for 2 years with RESULTS providing significant input. The bill is bipartisan and was formed with input and buy in from USAID. The bill will modernize USAID’s approach to microfinance, encouraging it to consider program innovations that expand financial services and do a better job of reaching the poorest. Below you will find a link to the recording and a link to other resources on the bill including a great fact sheet. We are ready to get our Senators on board!

Resources on Senate 2027 and House 2524

To take microfinance to your community, you can consider screening the movie Bonsai People – The Vision of Muhammad Yunus, directed by RESULTS activist Holly Mosher. During the months of March and April, Holly will be available to travel to your communities for the screen, but outside of those dates, she has made it very easy to screen the fill using her discounted public screening package. Public screenings are great way to entice new members to join and share why you care about RESULTS.  The film is a great example of how important microcredit, healthcare and education are to ending poverty.  The price for members is $100, but you can charge admission at the screening and also purchase bulk sets of dvds to sell at the event. Holly has provided this guide to run a successful public screening.

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