Learning, Connecting, and Growing: The 2011 RESULTS Regional Conference in Texas

February 15, 2011
by Anne Child, RESULTS regional coordinator

Two weeks before the Superbowl, on a day wedged between two snowstorms, RESULTS partners from all across Texas joined Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager for a powerful regional conference. It was a team effort with sessions led by Kathleen Duncan, Anne Child, Michael Winters, Ken Patterson, Mark Coats, Claudia Morgan, and Eloise Sutherland. Together we examined what we’re in for as we relate with the 112th Congress, learned about GAVI Alliance and our child vaccines campaign, and shared fundraising ideas. We powermapped ideas for expansion in our towns and cities across Texas and were taught how to coach each other to reach greatness.  

Normally if one were to ask people if they thought it would be fun to go to an anti-poverty advocacy conference, one might not expect to receive a lot of positive responses. However, all 23 attendees shared, cared, spoke with clarity and honesty, dreamed, and inspired. The Dallas host team did an incredible job of making us feel welcome and giving us delicious hospitality. People traveled for hours, leaving other responsibilities and opportunities and forgoing precious time with their families. The stars shone clear and bright (and still do) deep in the heart of Texas! 

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