Global Fund Pledge Updates

September 17, 2019
by Dorothy Monza, Advocacy Assistant

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria is an innovative partnership that has saved 27 million lives since it was founded in 2002. Now, the Global Fund has a bold plan to save 16 million additional lives over the next three years. But we must step up to meet this goal.

In recent weeks, several countries have announced their pledges to the Global Fund, including government donors announcing double digit increases in funding. Although these pledges are a promising indicator that there is global momentum to step up the fight against these epidemics, we still must work to generate overwhelming support for the Global Fund.

This map shows countries which have announced early pledges to the Global Fund and have increased their contribution from the last replenishment cycle.

Credit: Friends of the Global Fight

Take action now to generate support for the Global Fund by:

  • Urging your members of Congress to co-sponsor the bipartisan Global Fund resolutions, so there is a strong showing of support when Congress comes back from recess. You can write your representative via our website here, or try and get a meeting with them while they’re on recess the first two weeks of October. A one-pager on the Global Fund, bill text for H.Res.517, and other lobbying materials can be found on our lobbying page.
  • Generating media on the Global Fund in all 50 states and reminding policymakers that the Global Fund is a priority for their constituents. Tips to get started on writing about the Global Fund can be found here.

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