Extending An Opportunity to Be Powerful in the Northeast
Are you ready to be powerful?
We need RESULTS chapters in NH, VT, ME, NY to ensure that your Representatives and Senators are employing the best global and US poverty solutions and making the best use of resources. They will not do it without your voice—we know this with certainty. Please join me and local organizers from your state at one of the locations below. RSVP to the person organizing at each location, but feel free to contact me ([email protected]) with questions or ideas for how we might reach others. Please invite friends. If we reach more states and districts, we will end poverty quicker.
Date: Sunday September 16 at 2:00 pm
Location: 7 Lori Drive, Brunswick, ME 04011
RSVP: Amanda Similien: [email protected], 207-751-9452
Date: Monday September 17 at 6:30 pm
Location: Dover Public Library, 73 Locust St. Dover, NH 03820
RSVP: Mike Castaldo: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday September 18 at 7:00 pm
Location: Darmouth College, Dickey Center, Hanover, NH 03755
RSVP: Yesha Maniar, [email protected]
Date: Wednesday September 19 at 6:30 pm
Location: United Church South Royalton, 67 South Winsor Street, South Royalton, VT 05068
RSVP: Connie DeWitt: [email protected]
Date: Thursday September 20, 8 pm
Location: Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01003
RSVP: Isabelle D’Arcy: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, September 23 at 2 pm
Location: 4th Universalist Church, 160 Central Park W, New York, NY (at 76th Street (the church takes up the block between76 and 77th St. facing Central Park)
RSVP: Carol Huston at: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, September 30, 1:30 pm
Location: First United Methodist Church, 25 Church St, Greenfield, MA 01301
RSVP: Jenny Martin at: [email protected]
The Opportunity
RESULTS was created over 32 years ago when Sam Daley Harris realized that what is standing between the problems of poverty and their solutions is not the lack of solutions. Rather it is the lack of political will to enact the solutions. Because if we can split an atom, land on the moon, and wage war with unmanned drones, then certainly we can educate children, grow enough food, and offer basic health care and economic opportunity to all people so that we can endextreme poverty here and around the world.
In order to create the political will to put poverty solutions in place, RESULTS trains people to influence our representatives and senators. We employ real poverty solutions, deep relationships, the media, and community mobilization. Collectively we inspire decision makers to change policy and allocate resources to proven poverty solutions. We have a great track record of success, and things are moving in the right direction. For example, preventable child deaths have been cut in half since the 1980s, millions of children are in school around the globe for the first time, and we now know how to end AIDS.
But many people are cynical and too few people know how to effectively engage with their decision makers. Because of this, RESULTS has set a goal of establishing a presence and all 50 states and two-thirds of congressional districts. We want to educate more people about the problems and solutions of poverty, and train them in effective advocacy skills. Engaging more people in advocacy will strengthen our collective voice and accelerate our progress toward ending extreme poverty.
When Ken Patterson started volunteering with RESULTS he knew very little about the political process or advocacy, and it felt very intimidating. But he knew that he needed to do something about the problems of poverty in the world. With RESULTS’ coaching and support he gained the confidence to develop relationships with his congressional offices and the media, and to engage his community. He saw tangible results from his advocacy—more money invested in life-saving solutions, better use of existing development investments, better policy, engaged decision makers. Ken is now the RESULTS’ Grassroots Manager and is working with organizers in your area to offer you the opportunity to make a difference. Will you join us?