Experience global health without leaving Capitol Hill, March 4-March 5

February 26, 2013
by Crickett Nicovich, Senior Policy Associate

Coming soon to Rayburn House office building, the Global Health Experience exhibit — a 47 by 9 foot global health display — transports visitors to Tanzania and India, through replica village displays and a 5 minute, mobile phone-guided tour. The true-to-life exhibit will highlight issues we care about such as child survival, GAVI, and even the Global Fund. This is a great opportunity for folks on the Hill to see for themselves the challenges to accessing quality health services and treatment in some of the most remote places, and how effective U.S. funding for global health can save lives.

On top of seeing the exhibit, there will be a congressional briefing on Global Health on March 4 at 3 pm in the Rayburn Building Gold Room 2168. Luwiza Makukula, a Zambian TB-HIV activist with our ACTION partner — CITAM+, will be one of the speakers. Diagnosed with TB-HIV co-infection in 2002, she was able to access medication from the Global Fund that saved her life and has kept her healthy.

Please forward this invitation to see the exhibit, the briefing, and a Capitol Hill reception to your members of Congress and their staff to learn more about child survival, the Global Fund, GAVI, and other important issues of global health!

Monday, March 4: Congressional Global Health Briefing for Staffers

Rayburn Building, Gold Room 2168, 2:00–4:00 pm

New congressional staff are invited to this briefing session and discussion about challenges and progress in U.S.-supported global health programs. Presented in cooperation with the Global Health Caucus and Caucus for Effective Foreign Assistance, and organized by the Washington Global Health Alliance (WGHA) and several partnering global health organizations, this interactive discussion will enable Congressional staff to learn about the US government’s critical role in advancing global health.

Monday, March 4: Global Health Experience Exhibit (Rayburn Foyer), 2:00–7:00 pm

The Global Health Experience exhibit — a 47 by 9 foot global health display — transports visitors to Tanzania and India, through replica village displays and a 5 minute, mobile phone-guided tour of two key global health issues: malaria and the health of mothers and their babies. Visitors will learn how U.S. investments contribute to solutions and how sustained support will save lives in the U.S. and around the world.

Tuesday, March 5: Global Health Experience Exhibit (Rayburn Foyer) 9:00 am–7:00 pm

The Global Health Experience exhibit — a 47 by 9 foot global health display — transports visitors to Tanzania and India, through replica village displays and a 5 minute, mobile phone-guided tour of two key global health issues: malaria and the health of mothers and their babies. Visitors will learn how U.S. investments contribute to solutions and how sustained support will save lives in the U.S. and around the world.

Tuesday, March 5: Congressional Global Health Reception (Rayburn Foyer), 5:00-7:00 pm

Tour the Global Health Experience exhibit as we close Global Health Week on the Hill with a Congressional Global Health Reception presented in cooperation with the Global Health Caucus and the Caucus for Effective Foreign Assistance. Congressmen Dave Reichert (R-WA), Adam Smith (D-WA), and Ander Crenshaw (R-FL) are invited to speak.

To find out more go to http://www.wghalliance.org/WhatWeDo/GlobalHealthExperienceExhibit/GlobalHealthWeekontheHill.aspx.

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