Can we meet with 70 members of Congress by the end of March?

March 1, 2011
by Ken Patterson

We know that it’s critical to meet face-to-face with our members of Congress. Though we can accomplish much working with aides, Congressional aides can never relay your passion, credibility, or stories with the power that you can. Now is a critical time for these meetings because many members of Congress are new, and have little knowledge of the security, economic, or global leadership benefits of foreign assistance. If we don’t inform them on foreign assistance issues, nobody will.

This is why we have set a goal of having 70 face-to-face meetings by the end of March. The number seems ambitious, but if each group has one, we can get there. Below is a list of the meetings we know of so far with 1 of 3 months left. Will you and your group be doing your report to reach 70 meetings? Please let me know if your meeting is missing from this list.

Face-to-Face Meetings for 2011

  1. 1/3/11: Redmond, WA meeting with Rep. Dave Reichert 
  2. 1/5/11: Northern VA meting with Rep. Gerry Connolly 
  3. 1/9/11: Boston, MA meeting with Rep. Niki Tsongas 
  4. 1/9/11: PG County, MD meeting with Rep. Steny Hoyer 
  5. 1/14/11: Detroit, MI meeting with Rep. Gary Peters 
  6. 1/14/11 Contra Costa, CA meeting with Rep. John Garamendi 
  7. 1/31/11: Omaha , NE meeting with Rep. Lee Terry 
  8. 1/25/11: San Jose, CA Diane Warren met informally with Rep. Blake Farenthold (TX) 
  9. 1/28/11: Portland, OR meeting with Rep. Kurt Schrader 
  10. 1/31/11: Central NJ meeting with Rep. Leonard Lance 
  11. 2/1/11: San Jose, CA meeting with Rep. Zoe Lofgren 
  12. 2/1/11: San Jose, CA meeting with Rep. Mike Honda 
  13. 2/1/11: PG County, MD meeting with Senator Cardin 
  14. 2/2/11: Minneapolis, MN meeting with Rep. Erik Paulsen 
  15. 2/22/11: Contra Costa, CA meeting with Rep. George Miller 
  16. 2/22/11: Seattle, WA meeting with Rep. Adam Smith 
  17. 2/24/11: Greenville/Spartanburg, SC meeting with Rep. Trey Gowdy 

 Senate Conference Calls 

  1. 2/16/11: CA conference call with Senator Feinstein’s foreign policy aide 
  2. 2/23/11: WA meeting with Senator Cantwell’s foreign policy aide 
  3. 2/25/11: TX meeting with Senator Cornyn’s foreign policy aide

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