Call One More Time to Save Medicaid

September 18, 2017
by Meredith Dodson, Director of U.S. Poverty Campaigns

Here we go again. Unbelievably, Senate leaders are making one last-ditch effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and end Medicaid as we know it. With important conversations happening early this week on whether to move forward, we need a strong backlash over the next few days!

CALL BOTH YOUR SENATORS TODAY at (800) 826-3688 and say:

“I urge Senator ______________ to REJECT the Graham-Cassidy bill. This bill caps Medicaid, which could have a devastating impact on low-income children, seniors, people with disabilities, and others in our community. I’m counting on the senator to oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill and any legislation that ends Medicaid as we know it.”

MORE: This latest threat to Medicaid uses both “block grants” and funding caps to gut the program. The caps alone mean traditional Medicaid would see a cut of approximately $175 billion from 2020-2026, with even deeper cuts beyond that. Needless to say, these changes would impose needless suffering on millions of Americans who would see health care services cut while their out-of-pocket costs increase. Medicaid plays a critical role in our own families and communities – if you have a quick story to share when you call (especially if you can get through to the health aide), we urge you to do so. (And if you are game to share your story in the local media, tailor our LTE template!)

We must make Senate phones light up as they meet to discuss whether they will pass this bill; those decisions may well take place in the next 24-48 hours. Share this alert with others you know and urge them to call too. Lives are at stake, and we must do all we can to ensure health care for all Americans.

Again, CALL BOTH YOUR SENATORS TODAY at (800) 826-3688 and say:

“I urge Senator ______________ to REJECT the Graham-Cassidy bill. This bill caps Medicaid, which could have a devastating impact on low-income children, seniors, people with disabilities, and others in our community. I’m counting on the senator to oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill and any legislation that ends Medicaid as we know it.”

Can’t call? Use our online action alert to email instead. Make some noise!

The Senate has a hard deadline of September 30 to get this done. We thank you for taking action again and we hope this is the last time we have to alert you on this issue. Call today and let’s make sure it is.

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