Call Now! We Are at 66 Signers on GPE! Can we Hit 70?

September 12, 2012
by Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Campaigns Manager

We are down to the wire. Rep. Schakowsky’s office is collecting signatures on the GPE letter today and tomorrow morning—your representative can still get on.

LET’S HIT OUR TARGET OF 70 SIGNERS! CALL NOW, CALL TODAY! Below is a list of the current signers. If your representative isn’t here, please make a call!

Capitol Switchboard: Ask for your Rep’s office. Speak to the foreign policy aide: 202 224-3121

Laser Talk

Engage: I am calling to that the representative help enroll 25 million children into primary school by 2014.

Problem: Right now, 61 million children don’t have access to primary school, which means they will never read a book or use basic math to solve a business problem.

Inform: However, the Global Partnership for Education has a plan to put 25 million kids in school in 46 countries over the next 3 years if they receive the needed funding. The US can help achieve this goal if we could shift some of our current global education funding to the Global Partnership for Education. This would a high-impact, cost-effective investment.

Call to Action: Representative Jan Schakowsky is circulating a sign-on letter to Secretary of State Clinton requesting that the U.S. invest $125 million of our global education dollars into the Global Partnership for Education in 2013. Will the representative sign on to that letter? I can send you a copy.

Congratulations to all of you for your great work on this letter. Great work.

Current Signatories:

Jan Schakowsky

Robert E. Andrews

Earl Blumenauer

Lois Capps

Michael E. Capuano



Hansen Clarke

Yvette D. Clarke


John Conyers, Jr.

DannyK. Davis



Rosa L. DeLauro

Ted Deutch


DonnaF. Edwards

Anna Eshoo

Sam Farr


Bob Filner

Gene Green

Martin Heinrich

Jim Himes


Rush Holt

Michael M. Honda

Rick Larsen

Sheila Jackson Lee

EddieBernice Johnson

Hank Johnson

Dale Kildee

Dennis J. Kucinich

Barbara Lee

Sander Levin

John Lewis

Zoe Lofgren

Ben Ray Luján

Jim McDermott

JamesP. McGovern


Gwen Moore

JamesP. Moran

John W. Olver

FrankPallone Jr.

Bill Pascrell, Jr.

Gary Peters



Mike Quigley

Charles B. Rangel

Silvestre Reyes


Steven R. Rothman

Tim Ryan


Jackie Speier

Pete Stark

Edolphus “Ed” Towns

ChrisVan Hollen

HenryA. Waxman


Lynn Woolsey


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