After the MDGs, Post-2015. Entry #1

October 17, 2013
by Ken Patterson

We are about two years away from the end of 2015, the moment when the Millennium Development Goals are to be achieved. Some of the goals we will achieve, others we will not. But what happens then? What new goals will will the world establish and what role will we play in achieving them? This “After the MDGs” series will cite some what's going on around establishing development priorities post-2015. We should engage in conversation and be prepared to drive an end-of-poverty agenda. Here are some things to start with:

  • End of Preventable Child Deaths. In June of 2012 RESULTS engaged in the Call to Action on Child Survival. The US, India, and Ethiopia brought together 55 health ministers from around the globe to create a Roadmap for Ending Preventable Child Deaths by 2035. How will we lead the efforts to end preventable child deaths?
  • AIDS Free Generation. In November of 2012 the US released the Blueprint for an AIDS-Free Generation. Our current work on the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria is a downpayment on this plan. How will we lead the efforts to end AIDS through 2015 and beyond?
  • End of Extreme Poverty by 2030. The World Bank has announced the goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030. Here is their vision of how it happens. How will RESULTS “be the leading catalyst to accelerate progress toward a world where poverty no longer exists” (RESULTS Strategic Plan)?
  • Investments to End Poverty. It is widely acknowledged that economic growth will play a key role in continuing to drive down extreme poverty and eventually end it, but additional investments will be needed, and those investment will been to be effective. This report, Investments to End Poverty, was launched in September 2013 at the UN General Assembly in an effort to define the kinds of investments that will be needed to end extreme poverty by 2030. What role will RESULTS play in securing the necessary investments and ensuring that they are used properly?

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