A promising first step on FY25 appropriations
Last week, the House of Representatives took the first step in the fiscal year 2025 (FY25) appropriations process on our global poverty priorities. This spring, RESULTS volunteers across the country urged their members of Congress to prioritize robust funding for global maternal and child health, nutrition, tuberculosis, and education. We also asked them to support Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Now, the full House appropriations committee has passed their State and Foreign Operations (SFOPS) bill, which contains our priority issues. Disappointingly, House Republicans chose once again to cut foreign aid spending. Their topline funding for the SFOPS bill is an 11 percent decrease from last year’s enacted funding levels. These cuts to critical global health and education programs will affect families and communities around the world.
However, we still have a reason to celebrate. Despite the severe cut to the topline SFOPS funding, almost all of our priority accounts were maintained at their FY24 level. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Nutrition even got a $7.5 million increase from FY24! The Global Fund received an expected decrease, to make sure we stay within a legal requirement that caps the U.S. contribution at one third (1/3) of their funding. While it doesn’t include specific language in support of Gavi, the bill does include report language on nutrition and tuberculosis that RESULTS advocated for in FY24 and FY25.
Key global programs faced devastating cuts in the House last week, and it’s thanks to your advocacy that they were protected. Your calls, emails, and lobby meetings this spring ensured your Representatives know their constituents care about global health. Let’s keep it up, and make your voice heard in the media, in Congress, and in your communities. As the Senate works on their FY25 bills, we’ll continue to push for the highest possible funding levels.