2019 Grassroots Board Member Election Nominations

April 9, 2019
by RESULTS Grassroots Board Members

Would you like to take a leadership in the governance of our RESULTS community? Do you know someone who you think would be a strong voice for guiding our national organization?

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting nominations for the RESULTS & RESULTS Educational Fund Grassroots Board Member election, which will be held this summer. This election will fill the seat currently held by Maxine Thomas (she may choose to run for re-election), so that we will continue to have four grassroots volunteers on our board. You can nominate someone who you think would be a strong voice representing RESULTS volunteers OR you can nominate yourself if you want to take a bold new step in leadership. Nominations will close on Sunday, May 12.

Grassroots Board Members play a vital role in RESULTS, representing our volunteer network on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Boards of RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund.

Grassroots Board Members provide an important bridge between the grassroots network, Board, and organization. They help connect us with what makes RESULTS unique and successful: our passionate and active grassroots members.

The responsibilities of the Board of Directors include:

  • Working with the Executive Director in shaping the direction of RESULTS & RESULTS Educational Fund
  • Supporting strong Board fundraising efforts,
  • Advising the organization on anti-poverty campaigns
  • Approving annual budget, operational policies, and strategic plan.

The Executive Committee of the Board is the primary governing body of the organization and all Grassroots Board members are on this committee. Grassroots Board Members have the following responsibilities:

  • Serve a three-year term on the Board and its Executive Committee.
  • Lead or serve on at least one Board Committee, e.g. Board Development, Issues, Fundraising, Bylaws or Finance Committees.
  • Attend in person the full Board meeting twice a year, which are held in Washington D.C. (financial assistance available for travel costs).
  • Participate in Executive Committee meetings by conference call.
  • Participate in monthly phone meetings of the Grassroots Board Member Committee
  • Help RESULTS & RESULTS Educational Fund reach annual fundraising goals in some capacity. Examples of assistance include hosting a fundraising event, speaking at fundraising events, making personal donations to RESULTS & RESULTS Educational Fund and identifying prospective donors
  • Facilitate the elections of new Grassroots Board Members

We encourage participation from any active RESULTS volunteer including those from diverse populations, including young adults and racial and ethnic minorities. Eligible candidates to be a Grassroots Board Member must have at least one year of active experience as a RESULTS volunteer in the United States.

Nominations of candidates for the open Grassroots Board Member position must reach the RESULTS office by Sunday, May 12th.  Candidates can nominate themselves or be nominated by any active RESULTS grassroots member. Please e-mail your nomination to Jesse Marsden at [email protected]

After May 14th, nominees will have to submit a photo, a brief RESULTS biography, and a statement of intent for their service on the Board by June 2nd.  Candidate will speak on the domestic and global webinars and record a video speech for playing at the IC.  There will be a table at the IC with the videos where you can meet people and leave any material.  You will be introduced at the IC Grassroots Board Member session on Sunday morning.

We hope that you can help us identify great candidates. Thank you so much for your participation!

In partnership,

Willie Dickerson

Steve McGee

Qiana Torregano

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