Global Laser Talk September 2014

September 12, 2014

Roleplay: Following Up With Your Editor/Writer After Pitching a Gavi Editorial

Some sample language for follow-up with your editor after you pitch the idea of a Gavi editorial. What could you come up with that would work in your setting?

Hello! I’m calling to follow up on the vaccines editorial idea I sent to you on ______________. Might you have two minutes to chat?
[Why, yes I do!]
As I mentioned in my email, the U.S. has a chance to be part of vaccinating 300 million more children over the next 5 years and, consequently, keeping millions of children from dying needlessly. Have you given any more thought to the idea of writing about Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, or do you have any questions about the materials I sent?

  • I have appreciated your continuing coverage of the Ebola outbreak, which is continuing to concern the global health community, and I believe that discussion of common communicable diseases we can prevent would be of relevant interest to readers . . .
  • I have noticed that local pharmacies are ramping up promotion of fall vaccination season, and so . . .
  • The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge got a lot of air time this fall, and as people are still reflecting on the amazing outpouring of support the challenge received, I thought it might be relevant to talk about another chance that the U.S. has to save lives, this time through vaccines we already have.
  • In our state, our economy is helped immeasurably by Eli Lilly & Co. and Roche, both leaders in the health and vaccination fields – so we understand the value of this preventive measure . . .
  • All parents and guardians want their children to have a healthy start in life, and so there’s a natural understanding of the child vaccine issue between families here and families abroad . . .

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