Global Weekly Update June 27, 2011
Another Successful RESULTS International Conference is in the Books!
Thanks to everyone who helped make this year’s conference a success. While not everyone was able to make it to Capitol Hill for the event, we could feel the strength of our whole organization as we listened to informative speakers, learned new skills, built relationships with each other, and spoke for the end of poverty in the corridors of power. The International Conference is but one event in our year, but it is a pivotal event that helps us hone and revitalize our advocacy together.
As we move deeper into the summer, don’t let the memories of your important Hill meetings get forgotten. Fill out a lobby meeting reporting form so that the momentum and details are captured and we can build on the work you’ve done.
In the coming days, an online survey will be available for you. Please do take a moment to fill it out and let us know how we can continue to improve your conference experience.
Check out the RESULTS blog for emerging stories of people’s conference experiences. Right now on the blog are two pieces; the first is on what the conference was like through the eyes of RESULTS intern Taryn Peacock, and the second, by Outreach and Advocacy Associate Crickett Nicovich, is on the important work of Senator Bennet (CO) and Senator Boozman (AR) on microfinance. Senator Bennet keynoted our Lobby Day kickoff, and you’ll enjoy the video we have of his comments.
We now continue the work done at the conference and all year through. Thanks for being part of the ending of poverty!
Education for All Senate Sign-on Letter: There’s Still Time for Signatures!
While in Washington, many of us spoke to our senators about a sign-on letter requesting robust support for basic education funding. The deadline for the letter has been extended to close of business on Thursday, June 30.
The current list of signers (1 pm ET, Monday) is as follows: Feinstein, Isakson, Akaka, Bingaman, Gillibrand, Levin, Menendez, Sanders, T. Udall, Whitehouse, and Wyden.
Senate staff should contact either Rich Harper in Senator Feinstein’s office ([email protected]) or Chris Sullivan in Senator Isakson’s office ([email protected]) to sign on.
On to the House . . . the Education for All Act of 2011 does not yet have a bill number, but many of us at the International Conference spoke to our congresspeople about considering early co-sponsorship when the bill number is available. Stay tuned for more information, and keep speaking to your representatives! You can find a rich reserve of background materials on our education for all campaign online.
Also worthy of note is the upcoming launch of a report on girls’ education entitled Make It Right: Ending the Crisis in Girls’ Education. The report (by Global Campaign for Education and RESULTS, with the support of Oxfam Novib) will now be released the week of July 11 due to a small delay. The report will be available on the Education for All section of our website under the “Girls’ Education” link. This report will provide powerful evidence of the violation of girls’ right to education in many countries around the world, while providing compelling evidence for the policies and practices designed to scale up education for girls. Stay tuned!
Microfinance Support Is Gaining Ground in Congress. Let’s Keep Going!
While we were at the International Conference, Sens. Bennet (D-CO) and Boozman (R-AR) announced that they would be leading on new legislation pushing for strong support of microfinance.
As we await the details of the bill, you can support microfinance in the other chamber of Congress. Ask your representative to sign on to a letter that the offices of Reps Rush (D-IL), Smith (R-NJ), and Payne (D-NJ) are circulating in the House. The letter closes Friday, July 8, and there is a companion fact sheet available to help you talk about the letter.
The letter, to be sent to USAID, requests information that will strengthen congressional oversight of microfinance programs. It focuses on USAID’s failure to direct at least half of microfinance assistance to the very poor, as well as directing additional resources women, sub-Saharan Africa, and savings-led approaches. Rep. Smith is the Chair and Rep. Payne is the Ranking Member of the Africa and Global Health Subcommittee (of the House Foreign Affairs Committee), so their leadership on this issue is very exciting.
As we do this important work, mark your calendars for the July 9 national grassroots conference call (details in the Weekly Update calendar) where you’ll hear more on our microfinance campaign!
The issue we are facing is not a budget deficit, it is a values deficit.
— Marian Wright Edelman, speaking at the RESULTS International Conference, June 20, 2011
June 27–July 5: House recess
July 4–10: Senate recess
July 9: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709. Powerful shares and more on our microcredit campaign. (This might make a great call for outreach!)
July 12 (tentative): Release of Education for All campaign report entitled Make It Right: Ending the Crisis in Girls’ Education.
July 18–24: House recess
August 8–September 5: Congressional recess (a great time for a face-to-face meeting with your legislator back in your district)