Global Weekly Update May 17, 2010

May 17, 2010

Take Action Today! Call Your Senators and Ask Them to Support Funding for Foreign Aid!

The Senate Appropriations Committee will soon decide how much funding to allocate to International Affairs programs. They can choose to follow the Budget Committee’s misguided recommendation to cut $4 billion from the International Affairs budget, or they can fully fund these vital programs at $58.5 billion. That’s just 1.4 percent of the total federal budget. If the International Affairs budget is cut, critical global health, basic education, microfinance, and other anti-poverty programs may suffer. This funding is critical for our shared prosperity and security. 50 retired admirals and generals, 8 former secretaries of state, and 31 senators agree that cutting $4 billion is wrong because foreign aid funding is critical to the future of our planet.

A bipartisan group of senators have initiated a new sign-on letter to ensure that International Affairs is fully funded. The deadline for this letter will come quickly, so call your senators today and ask them to sign this letter to the leadership of the Appropriations Committee.

Click here to take action today!

The International Conference Is Approaching!

The International Conference in Washington, D.C. is June 20–22. Will you be there?

Register online now!

New Reception Time: 5:00–7:00. We are asking members of Congress to speak during the timeframe of 5:45–6:30.

Download the invitation templates . Updated May 17, 2010 to reflect new time!

Review our International Conference page for more info on these topics and other ways you can prep for the IC!

Schedule meetings with your members of Congress (their calendars fill up quickly!).

Contact the scheduler to request a meeting. Download and edit this sample letter to send to their office.

When you schedule your Hill meetings for the IC, please let Lisa Marchal know ([email protected]) the following info: 1) Name of member, and if it is a face-to-face, 2) the name of the staffer that will be attending, 3) date, time, location, and who will be attending (include if this is a global, domestic, or joint meeting), and cell phone for key contact person. Lisa can also be contacted at (317) 529-5182.

Strategize with RESULTS staff.

Schedule a meeting about global legislative requests.

Atlanta RESULTS Engaging Big Soccer and Music Talent in Education for All

Read about how two RESULTS grassroots partners are leveraging powerful voices in their community to draw awareness to poverty reduction, Education for All, and other RESULTS issues.

Get Your Rep to Cosponsor the Education for All Act of 2010!

The Education for All Act of 2010 (H.R. 5117) was introduced on April 21 by Reps. Nita Lowey (D-NY) and Dave Reichert (R-WA).

The bill seeks to ensure the U.S. provides the resources and leadership to contribute to a successful international effort to provide all children with a quality basic education by 2015 and calls on the U.S. to support a multilateral education initiative, like a new multilateral Global Fund for Education.

How Do I Get My Representative to Cosponsor the Bill?

Step 1: Download and review this Fact Sheet on Education for All Legislation (H.R. 5117).

Step 2: Call the aide you work with and tell them the bill was introduced on April 21 and why you think it’s such an important bill for them to support. Review the steps in the April Action Sheet on Education for All Act and learn the Laser Talk.

Step 3: Email the aide the Fact Sheet on Education for All Legislation (H.R. 5117) and Dear Colleague letter from Reps. Lowey and Reichert on H.R. 5117. The contacts for who they should contact to  cosponsor the bill are in both of these documents.

Step 4: Call in a week to follow up on the request.

For more resources, visit our Education Action Page.

May 20: Lobbying 101: Preparation and training Call for first-time International Conference attendees. 9:00 pm ET. Call (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

May 24: Premiere of the documentary, “The Lazarus Effect” about the remarkable transformation of people infected with HIV/AIDS when given access to antiretroviral medicine. HBO. 9:00 pm ET and on YouTube.

May 26: Training Call: Researching your member of Congress. Led by RESUTLS Regional Coordinator Allison Gallaher. 9:00 pm ET. Call (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

June 12: June Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. Call in at (888) 409-6709.

June 20–22: RESULTS International Conference, Washington, DC.

RESULTS Fundraisers

May 23: Bremerton, WA

May 23: Chicago, IL (with Rep. Jan Schakowsky)

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