Working with Congress

April 28, 2009

The work of RESULTS focuses a great deal on creating champions for the end of poverty in Congress. As an advocate, you will want to use the best resources and skills available to help you do that. RESULTS has developed tried-and-true methods that can help you be an effective and successful advocate with decisionmakers in Washington. Use these tools to engage your members of Congress in the work to end poverty, and be sure to utilize our online tools for researching members of Congress — you can look up congressional staff based on issue, access Washington DC and local office contact information, find voting records, history of bill cosponsorship, committee membership, and other useful information, as well as contact members of Congress via e-mail.


Milestones for Working with Congress

  1. Send an E-mail to Your Member of Congress.
  2. Make a Phone Call to Your Member of Congress.
  3. Write a Letter to Your Member of Congress.
  4. Establish a Relationship with the Congressional Aide Who Handles Your Issue.
  5. Get your Member of Congress to Take an Action in Response to Your Request. (coming soon)
  6. Ask a Question at a Town Hall Meeting or a Candidates Forum.
  7. Meet Face-to-Face with Your Member of Congress.
  8. Establish Regular Conference Call or Video Meetings with an Aide or Member of Congress.
  9. Arrange a Site Visit for Your Member of Congress to Communities Affected by Poverty.
  10. Inspire your Member of Congress to write an Op-ed on our issues. (coming soon)
  11. Get your Member of Congress to take Leadership on One of Our Issues.
  12. Reach a Level of Relationship with Your Member of Congress that Enables 24-Hour Turnaround on Phone Calls.

See our complete Activist Milestones Toolkit for a comprehensive guide to actions you can take to challenge yourself and make a difference.

Other resource pages:


"I will never forget what my member of Congress said to RESULTS volunteers when we met with him. 'Do you know how many bills will be introduced during this session of Congress?' he asked. The answer? 35,000. Our minds whirled as we tried to imagine how any member of Congress or staffer could possibly know about them all. Then he said, 'Do you know how many bills will be passed?' We made wild guesses. The answer? About 220. In many cases, it is only because of our persistent voices that bills of critical importance to people in poverty are passed.

– Bob Dickerson

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