Global Poverty Weekly Update December 21, 2015

December 21, 2015

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | December 21, 2015

Quote of the Week

“It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.  It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.”    

– Agnes M. Pharo


The Reach Act: Take a Moment to Write This Holiday Season

During this festive time of year, we take joy in the company of loved ones  . . take a moment to rest or play . . . take stock of the good things in our lives. It's the perfect time to show and share gratitude, and that's why we're continuing our work on the Reach Act (H.R. 3706 in the House and S.1911 in the Senate) during this holiday time. The Reach Act will guide us in ending preventable maternal and child deaths by 2035, if we can get it passed. Let's get behind maternal/child health (MCH)! Find a current listing of cosponsors online. We believe that if we hit our goals, the committees with whom the bills reside will be inspired to start working toward passing the Reach Act. 

Here's how you can take action during this happy time of year to help:

20-60 minutes: Especially if you reside in the following states: Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Nevada, Oklahoma, Vermont, Wyoming . . . help us land media on maternal/child health in your state! Write a holiday letter to the editor or op-ed using our new November-December Action Sheet, our holiday-themed editorial packet, or our online action. The holidays are a great time to call on people to reflect and take action via the media. (Also, check out this amazing graphic showcasing all the states in which you've gotten MCH media published so far.)

2016 Will Be Great. Make Your List (and Check it Twice) to Be Ready!

1. First, Group Reporting for 2015. If you want your group's work to be counted in our numbers, catch up on your group reporting on outreach, media, and meetings with members of Congress here:

Report on the Whole Month's Activity
Report Just a Lobby Meeting
Report Just a Media Piece

2. Next, Book Face-to-Face Meetings with Congress for January Recess (Week of January 18). Get top tips on how to book, or start the process right from our website.

3. Third, Individual Planning Form for 2016. What Can YOU Dream Up? Start now to begin work on your 2016 Individual Planning Form. This first piece of the 2016 Group Planning process enables you, as a free agent or as part of a RESULTS group, to scheme first on what you'd like to learn, contribute, and accomplish in 2016. Then you'll be ready for us to kick off Group Planning in early January.

4. Don't Forget to Decide on a Time in January to Do Group Planning. Find the group planning materials on our website. Please submit your completed group plans to your Regional Coordinator by January 31.

5. Finally, Plan to Attend the National Grassroots Webinar on Saturday, January 9. Saturday, January 9 at 2 pm ET will be the time and place for our first national grassroots webinar/conference call of 2016, and that's the ideal time to work on your planning! Our special guest will be Lawrence Haddad, a Senior Research Fellow in the International Food Policy Research Institute’s Poverty Health and Nutrition Division. We'll also be highlighting group planning for 2016. Login information: To join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806. Jot down the names of those you'd like to invite to join the call and consider sending them a quick email. Next week, invitation flyers will available; use them to follow up on your invitation and to share the word about this first event of the year!

Just Over a Week to Double Your Impact: RESULTS Fundraising

With just a few days left until the new year, you still have time to double your donation to RESULTS! From today until the end of December, a generous donor will match contributions up to a total of $10,000. This holiday season, consider giving a special gift to RESULTS. Your gift helps us advance policies that improve access to health, education, and economic opportunity for families from Detroit to Dehli. Your gift also supports our volunteer network to build the skills, confidence, and motivation that make them powerful advocates. And most importantly, your gift brings us one step closer to ending poverty. Every donation we receive, large or small, makes a difference in the fight to end poverty. Until month's end, you can double that difference. Donate now!

Items of Note

Invite Someone to an Introductory Call. January 13, 9 pm ET, will be the first RESULTS Introductory Call of 2016. This call is the perfect 30-minute primer on what RESULTS is, why we exist, and what we accomplish in the world . . . as well as, most importantly, how someone can get involved! Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

Watch for the January Action Sheet to be shared mid-January.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for information on upcoming issue "deep dive" webinars and other great training opportunities 2016.

December 24 (1 pm ET)-January 3. RESULTS office is closed in observance of the holiday season.

January 9, 2 pm ET. National Grassroots Webinar (Global Campaigns). Login information: To join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

January 13, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

January 25, 8 pm ET. Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group? You are alone no more! To join, go to or (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 27781074. Contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, for more information on this gathering.

June 25-28. RESULTS 2016 International Conference. 


Resources at Your Fingertips

Subscribe to the Weekly Update

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Skills Center 

Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2015 Advocacy

2015 Global Congressional Scorecard (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Who Are the New(est) Members of Congress? (scroll down page)

Contact the RESULTS Board

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