Use Twitter to Advocate for a Healthy Future for Every Child

August 4, 2015
by Hope Randall, PATH

Since 1990, nearly 100 million children around the world have been saved due to global efforts to reduce child mortality, and maternal deaths have been cut nearly in half. The US government has played a large role in this great success story.

Yet still, each day, more than 17,000 children’s lives and nearly 800 mothers’ lives are lost due mostly to preventable causes. If you’re like us, you think this is unacceptable. The good news is, history has shown us what we can do when we work together – and the science shows us what’s now possible. We can end preventable maternal, newborn, and child deaths within a generation. But we must all play our role to make it happen.

A group of over 20 diverse nonprofits are advocating for the United States Congress to fulfill its promise to save the lives of moms, kids, and babies around the world by supporting a new piece of legislation, The Reach Every Mother and Child Act (S.1911), that scales up simple solutions and requires a coordinated, streamlined strategy to end preventable maternal, newborn, and child deaths by 2035.

How you can get involved to help #SaveMomsandKids

We are advocating for this bill because we believe that moms, children, and babies are best served when resources and expertise are brought together to achieve maximum impact. The same is true for our voices, and that’s why we need your help.

We are starting a virtual “chain” around the world comprised of people who believe we must do all we can to #SaveMomsandKids. Join our global chain to show policymakers that US citizens, along with others around the world, support coordinated efforts for maternal, newborn, and child health. It’s easy:

  1. Take a photo linking arms with your friends, family, colleagues – anyone you want.
  2. Share the photo on Twitter using the hashtag #SaveMomsandKids with a message sharing why you are joining the initiative. Or, use one of these sample messages:
  1. Optional: Tag your representative asking for support of the bill. Find a list of congressional Twitter handles here. (Find who your senator or representative is here.)
  • Example: .@RepAdamSmith You’re a vital link in the chain to #SaveMomsandKids. Will you join us? [PHOTO] (Link to this blog)
  1. Follow #SaveMomsandKids for other opportunities to share information, graphics, and other content. Be part of the conversation!

Why we need you

Soon advocates will be on Capitol Hill to educate congressional offices about the bill. A group of moms and kids will also deliver paper chains colored by kids to let the members of Congress know they are a vital link in the chain. The paper chains will have the #SaveMomsandKids hashtag – pointing policymakers to the Twitter campaign, where they will see your photos as evidence of your support for the issue.

We need your help to show members of Congress the growing chain of people around the world urging them to #SaveMomsandKids.

Will you be a part of this global movement? Check out who has joined the chain already at #SaveMomsandKids.



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