WATCH: Economist Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, NETWORK Executive Director Sister Simone Campbell, and More

August 6, 2015
by Avery Artman, Communications Associate

Had a blast at the 2015 RESULTS International Conference? Be inspired all over again. Watch world-renowned economist Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, NETWORK Executive Director Sister Simone Campbell, BRAC Director of Microfinance Shameran Abed, World Bank UK Executive Director Gwen Hines, and U.S. Treasury International Development Policy Deputy Assistant Secretary Alexia Latortue.

Update from the Financing for Development Conference: A Conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Sachs

Renowned economist Dr. Jeffrey Sachs offers his perspective on the outcomes of the Financing for Development Conference, and the path to ending extreme poverty.


Keynote Remarks by Sister Simone Campbell

Sister Simone Campbell, a noted speaker and educator on peace-building and economic justice issues, speaks about the work of the Nuns on the Bus and NETWORK to engage the public to speak out for a better world.

Reaching the Unreached: Financing the Sustainable Development Goals with Equity

As the Millennium Development Goals conclude, the world is negotiating a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the end of extreme poverty by 2030. On the heels of the Financing for Development Conference in Ethiopia, Shameran Abed (Director of Microfinance, BRAC), Gwen Hines (UK Executive Director, World Bank) and Alexia Latortue (Deputy Assistant Secretary, International Development Policy, U.S. Treasury) discusses outcomes from the conference, the road to the UN summit to adopt the SDGs, and how to ensure the SDGs drive progress for the poorest.

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