IC is this Weekend! Review Our Final Checklist Today!
The 2010 International Conference is this weekend! Make sure you are all prepared to come to D.C. Review this checklist to help make sure you have a powerful visit.
Exciting new speakers! Dr. Tedros, the minister of health of Ethiopia and chair of the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, will be speaking at the Global Health Plenary! We will also be joined by Rep. Jim Walsh, former congressman from NY, who will speak to you about the power of your advocacy on the Hill.
First time at the IC or new to lobbying? Visit our recordings page to listen to a lobbying 101 call.
Have you prepared with your partners (coming and not coming to D.C.)? Make sure you are prepared with background on your members of Congress — review ourtraining call.
Read our Global Legislative Handbook (pdf). Make sure you print out a copy and bring it with you. We will not have copies available.
Tell Lisa Marchal the date and times of your Hill meetings. This information is critical to help us support you. Email her today ([email protected])!
Folders for your members of Congress. At the IC, you will receive leave-behind folders with all our requests and related materials, to give to your members of Congress. Bring any additional info you’d like to include, e.g., local media you’ve gotten.
Is your member of Congress or staff coming to the Lobby Day Reception? You must tell Lisa Marchal ASAP. Given the timeframe, please do not e-mail her, but CALL her at (317)529-5182.