Experts on Poverty

RESULTS launched our Experts on Poverty program in 2015. The program includes a cohort of individuals with lived/living experiences of poverty from across the nation. The Experts on Poverty (also known as Experts or EOPs) receive training and support to become stronger leaders in the anti-poverty movement. They shift the narrative around those who experience poverty and highlight the way anti-poverty policies affect their everyday lives.

See below to learn more and meet the current Experts on Poverty.

Who are the Experts on Poverty?

The program: 

EMPOWERS those with lived experience to shape public policy by educating members of Congress, collaborating with other advocates to advance key anti-poverty policies, and weighing in with RESULTS staff on overall campaign priorities, goals, values and principles. 

CONNECTS individuals with lived experience to each other to build confidence and community. 

TRAINS the Experts on policy, advocacy, storytelling and organizing to become stronger advocates and to help them build the leadership skills of current RESULTS advocates. 

ELEVATES the Experts in the RESULTS network, their communities, the media, with legislators, other organizations and the public to increase their influence and career opportunities.   

Check out the profiles below to learn more about our current Experts on Poverty. 

Interested in having an Expert on Poverty speak at your event? Fill out the Speaker Request Form here.

Kimberly Trigg

Kimberly Trigg

Salina, KS

“I wanted to become an Expert on Poverty because I’ve seen firsthand how the cycle of poverty affects individuals, families, and entire communities. My own lived experience has shown me the barriers people face when trying to escape poverty — barriers that are often invisible to those who haven’t experienced them. From housing instability to limited access to education and resources, these challenges are deeply personal to me. Sharing my story is important because lived experience brings authenticity and urgency to the conversation. Statistics and policies can feel abstract, but when people hear real stories, they humanize the issue and foster empathy. It also creates space for solutions rooted in reality, rather than assumptions.

La'Shon Marshall on Capitol Hill

Honoring La’Shon Marshall

La’Shon was a dear friend, advocate, Expert on Poverty, and tremendous leader in the RESULTS community. Join us in honoring her memory and legacy.

La'Shon Marshall on Capitol Hill

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