Global Weekly Update October 15, 2012

October 15, 2012

Final Two-Week Push on World Bank Media: Let’s Hold Them Accountable for Promised Education Funding!

Education for All Campaign Manager Tony Baker just returned from the World Bank’s annual fall meeting. His report on the meeting and the important panel he helped convene is in the midst of a developing dialogue with the World Bank about fulfilling their 2010 funding pledge toward basic education. Read the conversation on our blog and add your own thoughts. Also check out Tony’s comments on the UN’s launch of its new global education initiative, Education First as well as John Fawcett’s latest thoughts on the World Bank’s decisions.

Your voices are also being heard on this issue through the media you are generating, and it is making a difference. We have a running record of your growing number of media hits on our blog (two op-eds and 11 letters to the editor and counting!) Please take media action to help us reach our goal of eight editorials, 15 op-eds, and 65 letters to the editor by the end of October, all meant to hold the World Bank accountable for its pledge toward basic education.

Here’s what you can do:

More Background: We have a powerful report that more fully explains what’s happening with the World Bank, an archived webinar to help break down the information, and an archived strategy call to help you discover valuable local hooks for your media piece. All of this is available on our blog.  

Deadline Extended: Apply for a World AIDS Day Mini-grant to Engage Your Community by October 29!

World AIDS Day grant applications are now available, and applications are being accepted now until October 29! Apply now in anticipation of World AIDS Day on December 1. Don’t let this chance pass you by. Remember, on RESULTS groups and advocates can apply for the mini-grants, but you can partner with community organizations. A little bit of money can help make a good event great.

Whether or not you apply for a grant, start now to cook up a fun, inviting outreach recipe for World AIDS Day. Support materials for World AIDS Day outreach will be available soon.

In the meantime, think about what might be enjoyable and informative that might draw people in for an informative, engaging evening during which people can learn about RESULTS on/around World AIDS Day. A relevant film viewing and discussion? Maybe a letter-writing party about supporting the Global Fund? Serve coffee and use your smartphone to add your group’s picture to “The Big Push” (#thebigpush on Twitter) on The Huffington Post? Put your thinking caps on get creative! But remember: The most enticing element of any event you put on is the energy, persistence, and courage of you and/or your group!

Education for All Act: We Are 75% to Our Cosponsor Goal!

Have you asked your representative to stand up for access to an education for every young child? If not, think of what happened last week, as noted by Senior Legislative Associate Allison Grossman:

14 year old Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by the Taliban in Pakistan because she claimed her right to an education – and because she passionately advocated for the right for all girls to go to school. In response to the news, Secretary Clinton said, “I think we should be dedicating our efforts to brave young women, some of whose names we will know and some we will never know, who struggle against tradition and culture and even outright hostility and sometimes violence to pursue their hopes, their God-given potential to have a life of meaning and purpose and make contributions to their families, their communities, their countries, and the world.” 

Check out our action sheet and companion laser talk and shareable online action for October; these tools can all assist you in crafting your own letter to your member of the House asking him/her to cosponsor the Education for All Act of 2011. Help us get to 100 cosponsors! We can do it. 

For comprehensive information on our Education for All campaign check out the recent blog post written on the very first International Day of the Girl, by Senior Legislative Associate Allison Grossman. She will break down our multifaceted approach to supporting global access to basic primary education – and outline how you and others can get involved – in her comprehensive piece. 

You can also listen to the informative October national grassroots conference call featuring Sarah Beardmore of the Global Partnership for Education or look at the helpful online resources of the Global Campaign for Education for more information on this worldwide effort. The time for action on education for all is now. 

Grassroots Excitement in Growing and Giving

International Conference 2013. Dr. Muhammad Yunus – founder of Grameen Bank, Nobel laureate and RESULTS board member – that will be keynote speaker at our 2013 RESULTS International Conference.  Moreoever, board member Marianne Williamson will participate in the 2013 conference as well. The dates for the conference are July 20-23, 2013. Don’t hesitate to put it on your calendars now!

Fundraising. Congratulations to Houston and Asheville partners on their fundraising events highlighting the theme “Every Child Deserves a 5th Birthday.” Asheville hosted their first fundraiser in many years and raised $700 at an outdoor, family-friendly event with birthday games for kids. Houston hosted a dinner with our executive director, Dr. Joanne Carter, and Dr. Jeffrey Starke of Texas Children’s Hospital to raise over $69,000. We are grateful for the tremendous efforts of all of our fundraising volunteers at every level of event! Please contact Cindy Levin if you are interested in planning an event before the end of the year.

Marianne Williamson will be speaking for RESULTS in Detroit this Friday, October 19 at an event called “Consciousness and Activism” where she will be giving us a preview of her upcoming Sister Giant conference. Tickets are on sale online at

Expansion. Do you know folks in Missoula (MT), Birmingham, or Nashville who might like to hear more about RESULTS? 

  • October 30: Harnessing the Power of Education: RESULTS in Action! At the University of Montana, 7 pm MST. Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager of RESULTS, and Genevieve Chabot of Iqra Fund will discuss the importance of education for girls and will outline how get involved in RESULTS. This free event is sponsored by The Global Leadership Initiative (GLI) at The University of Montana and the Montana World Affairs Council. For more information, contact Lori Saltveit, Global Grassroots Expansion Agent.
  • November 1, RESULTS Birmingham Global Poverty Group Start, 6-8 pm CT. Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, 520 16th St. North. Contact Katy Windschill for more information.


  • November 8, RESULTS Nashville Global Poverty Group Start, 6:30-8:30 pm CT. Belmont United Methodist Church, Rm. 124, 2007 Acklen Ave. Contact Lisa Marchal for more information. 


” . . . there are so many thousands of young girls who deserve to go to school, who deserve to have an education . . . “

– Secretary of State Clinton; October 16, 2012; in response to attack of 14-year-old education and peace advocate Malala Yousufzai of Pakistan 

1.October 18, 9 pm ET: RESULTS Social Media Rapid Response Team/Intro Call. Contact Laura Ochoa, Publications and Content Manager, to RSVP. Dial in at (866) 503-7713, conference code 4091413579.

2. October 19, 1 pm ET: RESULTS Introductory Call. Please RSVP for the call so we can welcome you. Dial in number: (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. 

3. October 24, 9 pm ET: RESULTS New Activist Orientation (Second night of two.) This orientation is ideal for those who are activists with us but who are still relatively new and would like more information on RESULTS’ history and methods. Contact Meredith Dodson for a recording of the first night’s call so you can catch up, and then join in! Dial in to (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. 

4. October 29: World AIDS Day mini-grant application deadline extended. Apply now in anticipation of World AIDS Day on December 1. Got a great outreach idea? Don’t let this chance pass you by. 

5. October 30: Harnessing the Power of Education: RESULTS in Action! At the University of Montana, 7 pm MST. Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager of RESULTS, and Genevieve Chabot of Iqra Fund will discuss the importance of education for girls and will outline how get involved in RESULTS. This free event is sponsored by The Global Leadership Initiative (GLI) at The University of Montana and the Montana World Affairs Council. For more information, contact Lori Saltveit, Global Grassroots Expansion Agent. 

6. November 1, RESULTS Birmingham Global Poverty Group Start, 6-8 pm CT. Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, 520 16th St. North. Contact Katy Windschill for more information.

7. November 8, RESULTS Nashville Global Poverty Group Start, 6:30-8:30 pm CT. Belmont United Methodist Church, Rm. 124, 2007 Acklen Ave. Contact Lisa Marchal for more information. 

8. November 10, 2 pm ET: RESULTS National Grassroots Conference Call for Global Poverty Campaigns. Dial (888) 409-6709 to join. 

9. November 19, 8 pm ET: RESULTS Free Agents call for global poverty advocates. (218) 486-1611, passcode 7378587 (RESULTS). Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group?  You are alone no more! Contact Lisa Marchal for more information on this monthly group call.

10. House and Senate on recess until after the election.

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