Global Weekly Update November 21, 2011

November 21, 2011

World AIDS Day Is Almost Here — Speak Up for the End of AIDS on December 1

On World AIDS Day, we can all be part of the conversation about the dream of ending AIDS. Could it really be on the horizon? Don’t let December pass you by without taking the opportunity to do something within your group and within your community to mark World AIDS Day and link it to our on-going support of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

  • Media is powerful. Have you pitched the idea of a World AIDS Day story to your local paper? Our World AIDS Day editorial packet is posted in the press briefs section of our website. Our November Action Sheet provides great guidance on writing a letter to the editor of your local media outlet about the end of AIDS. You might build your letter around a reaction to Secretary Clinton’s November 8 speech on the idea of an AIDS-free generation or Michael Gerson’s piece in the Washington Post. Rally your RESULTS allies and write to your paper for World AIDS Day. We have also created an action alert so that you can use our template to personalize and submit the letter on line to multiple papers. We have already begun to see our grassroots have success in landing letters to the editor. Congratulations, and let’s keep going!
  • Still thinking of having a local World AIDS Day event? Have a small group discussion about a story like those found in the book 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa, or share the Topsy Foundation video chronicling the dramatic story of an AIDS patient.
  • 2012 International Conference! Start talking now with your groups about attending the 2012 International Conference and inviting community allies who are engaged in HIV/AIDS work to come along with you. Our conference will dovetail with the International AIDS Conference, and so one key focus of the conference will be imagining the end of AIDS. The synergies have the potential to be powerful! We are committed to making this International Conference the biggest yet so that our voice on the Hill will be that much more impactful. Your group leader will receive flyers this week that you can use to help promote the IC to HIV/AIDS advocacy allies you have in the community.

Grassroots Update — News You Can Use!

We have great news! Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of GAVI Alliance, will be our December 10 conference call guest! Knowing how important our childhood vaccines work has been to us and to the world this year, having Seth with us on the call will be an inspiring way to end the year. Gather your group and join us by calling in at 2 pm ET to (888) 409-6709.

Also, you may also be interested to know that on November 8, Secretary of State Clinton made a profound speech highlighting a vision that’s on the horizon . . . an AIDS-free generation. Through the November 21 national call-in day for the end of AIDS, we sent a clear message to the White House that we want presidential leadership so that science can mesh with political will and the end of AIDS can become a reality. We know of at least 46 individuals who picked up the phone and made their voice heard through our online action alert, and we know that more called beyond that. Thank you!

Finally, Ken Patterson, global grassroots manager, will be one of the featured leaders of the free, virtual Food for All Summit: Creating a World Where All Are Fed on November 30. Join speakers including Marianne Williamson, journalist/writer Roger Thurow, actor/director Joshua Michael Radnor, Bread for the World’s, Rev. David Beckmann, Ambassador Tony P. Hall, and many others for an informative, inspiring online gathering.

Thoughts at the Conclusion of the Microcredit Summit in Spain

On November 17, our senior policy advisor, Jen Maurer, wrote a note to the RESULTS family about her experience at the 2011 Microcredit Summit Campaign Global Conference in Valladolid, Spain.

It is a joy to see old friends — like Grameen Bank, Freedom from Hunger, FINCA, BRAC, and Fonkoze — as well as meet new implementers and advocates that can support our work and push us to be ambitious. My greatest take away from this conference is a complete reinforcement of our advocacy on microfinance for the very poor. There is still such an amazing need to ensure financial access for all. Before I leave, I want to make sure to share some of the thoughts that I’m taking home with me.

Check out the RESULTS blog for the full details on the Microcredit Summit and, while you’re there, check out a few other articles as well! It will be a few moments well spent.

Fundraising Continues to Gain Ground

Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to the the RESULTS volunteer group of Washington, DC, on their fundraiser last week! In cooperation with a few terrific staff members, they threw a house party fundraiser focused on education which has raised at least $2,000. Guests were treated to an evening of wine and cheese as well as remarks by former Congressman Jim Moody. Special thanks to Kay Neseem who shared her personal story and thoughts about education in Pakistan in her ask for contributions!

Also, are you a runner or have a January birthday? Our fundraising team is looking for a few enterprising partners to take our new online fundraising tool for a spin in January. If you’d like to run a 5K for RESULTS or invite folks to give online instead of baking you a cake, contact Cindy Levin to find out more.

The goal of an AIDS-free generation may be ambitious, but it is possible with the knowledge and interventions we have right now. And that is something we’ve never been able to say without qualification before. Imagine what the world will look like when we succeed.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, November 8, 2011

November 27: Boston Fundraiser. Contact Cindy Levin for more information.

November 28: Indianapolis Fundraiser. Contact a href=”mailto:[email protected]”>Lisa Marchal for details.

November 30: RESULTS Introductory Call. Register today!

December 4: Bremerton (WA) Fundraiser. Contact Beth Wilson for details.

December 10: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709.

December 12: RESULTS Introductory Call.

July 21–24, 2012: RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC

RESULTS has moved! Our new address is:
RESULTS/RESULTS Educational Fund, 1730 Rhode Island Ave, NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20036

No change to phone numbers; new fax number to be updated soon. Thanks for your patience as we complete our transition.


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