Global Poverty Weekly Update September 12, 2016

September 12, 2016

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of September 12, 2016

Quote of the Week

"Joanne Carter is a rock star!"

– Mark Shriver, President of Save the Children Action Network on September National Webinar


Time is Ticking on the Reach Act – Take Action

Congress on Recess Soon. That's right, Congress could go on recess as early as this Friday, and if not this Friday, probably soon after. And when they go, they won't be back until after the November elections! So now is the time to take action on the Reach Act (HR 3706):

  • Follow up with offices this week if they've promised to cosponsor the bill but aren't yet showing up (check here) – make sure they have contacted Rep. Reichert's office to become a cosponsor.
  • Follow up with offices for which you don't have an answer – let them know that there are 184 cosponsors on the bill and that it is very bipartisan, including 68 Republicans. Try to get a yes or no answer from the office.
  • If your Representative is a cosponsor, ask him/her to speak to Rep. Ed Royce, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and ask him to move the Reach Act this year. Find out when your representative will make the request of Rep. Royce. Here is a laser talk you can use to make the request.
  • If you don't get the job done before Congress goes on recess, find your representatives and senators in your state and district – go to their town halls and ask for face-to-face meetings, so when they come back after elections, they are ready to act by the end of the year.

Find Reach Act resources here.

Tune in Live for the Global Fund Replenishment on 9/16

You Worked Hard. You can tune in for the Global Fund Replenishment Conference on September 16 using this link. You can also follow the action on Twitter by searching for this hashtag: #EndItforGood. Post your own thoughts there as well. We are hearing from colleagues that the work you did to help secure a $4.3 billion pledge from the US in advance of the conference has given them courage and support. Our colleagues in Kenya helped increase Kenya's pledge to $5 million, and we just heard today that our Zambia colleagues helped secure the first-ever Zambian pledge of $1 million! Let's get to $13 billion!

Great work on the EFA Act – It Passed in the House!

After Many Years of Work. RESULTS advocates have been working on the Education for All Act (HR 4481) for at least 10 years. Each iteration of the bill has sent a message to USAID to do more and better on global education. But now the Education for All Act has passed in the House. See our press release here. Our goal now is to get the bill passed in the Senate. We will be reaching out to advocates in a targeted way to bring more Republican Senators onto the bill, so that we can keep the bill as bipartisan as possible – this was very important in passing the House bill. Congratulations on your great advocacy during this congressional session, and all of the previous ones that got us here. Kids are in school because of you.

Two Sides of an Equation 

Report Your Meetings and Outreach. When we share about our successes with donors, friends, and potential new advocates, we have to explain the actions we took to create these successes. We can't say we moved 36 senators to sign on to the Global Fund letter without saying it took a certain number of meetings or letters from constituents to make that happen. That is true for all of our work – we need to know about the efforts you are making in order to have both sides of the equation – it's really important! Please use the links in the section below to report meetings with members of Congress, outreach, and media. Thank you! 

2017 International Conference Dates Set

Join us in Washington, DC on July 22-25, 2017 for the RESULTS International Conference. We'll have a new President and a new Congress. Timing couldn't be better to be in DC!

Global Grassroots Priorities for Balance of 2016

As we highlighted on the September National Webinar, our Grassroots Strengthening priorities for the balance of the year are:

  • Face-to-Face meetings and townhalls during the long October recess to move the Reach Act and build relationships.
  • Outreach to build your groups. We want to support you to build robust groups for the new President and Congress. Plan your outreach dates and times, and we'll support you.
  • Fundraising. Let us know what your plans are for 2017 with this survey, and gear up for the November 14-24 Virtual Thanksgiving Feast!

Calling All Advocates in Maine!

Our journey to build RESULTS groups in all 50 states has brought us up to Maine. With the motto “Dirigo” Latin for “I Lead” we are looking for Mainers who are interested in leading efforts in their community to advocate with RESULTS on our global poverty campaigns. If you are from Maine and interested in getting involved or if you know people in Maine who would make a great RESULTS advocate, please contact Amy Kazanegras ([email protected]) or refer them to our twice a month Introductory Call.

Upcoming Learning and Action Opportunities

September 14, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

October 8, 2 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots. Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

July 22-25, 2017. RESULTS International Conference in Washington DC at the Washington Court Hotel. Start saving the pennies.

Resources at Your Fingertips

Subscribe to the Weekly Update

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Global Grassroots Calendar

Skills Center 

Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2016 Actions

2015 & 2016 Global Congressional Scorecards (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Contact the RESULTS Board

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