Global Poverty Weekly Update August 29, 2016

August 29, 2016

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of August 29, 2016

Quote of the Week

"The solution to this problem is within our reach. We need the political will to make it happen."

– Ellen Kempler, RESULTS Miami, urging the passage of the Reach Act in the Miami Herald



Not Long Now . . . September 16 Global Fund Replenishment Meeting! 

The Global Fund now has a plan to help save 8 million lives and prevent 300 million new infections from HIV, TB and malaria by 2020. It will do this by supporting countries to scale up proven treatments, target the people who need it most, and work with local communities to make sure every dollar is maximized. Now it’s up to world leaders to invest the $13 billion it will take to put that plan into action. 

  • Has your local paper written on the important of the Global Fund this year? Now's the perfect time as we anticipate and work for a strong showing by the U.S. at the fall Global Fund replenishment meeting. Check out the editorial packet we are using to support Global Fund replenishment! Or grab this earlier summer Action Sheet designed to help you write a letter to the editor about why the U.S. must support the Global Fund.
  • Our current August Action Sheet is out, designed to help you ask your member of the House to weigh in on support of the Global Fund.
  • Use this Social Media Campaign tip sheet for great sample tweets, Facebook posts, and other social media tips in the run-up to the replenishment.
  • Take a look at other Global Fund advocacy resources (House caucuses and Washington State delegation weighing in, Global Fund Senate letter, useful videos, etc.) on our website. 
  • Also, view this extraordinary video, "A Tuberculosis Patient's Personal Story."

Will Your Legislator Speak to Leadership to Help the Reach Act Move?

You did it. Reach Act media has appeared in all 50 states, plus DC and Puerto Rico, thanks to your work! Incredible!

And we have 176 cosponsors (including leads) on H.R.3706 and 26 cosponsors (including leads) on S.1911, the Reach Act.

So, the next moves: 

  • Ask your members of Congress to encourage the leadership of the House Foreign Affairs and Senator Foreign Relations Committees to work on the Reach Act (H.R. 3706/S.1911). Use our laser talk or this action sheet to make that request. 
  • Check out our updated editorial packet and make that pitch to your editors or write and submit your letter to the editor on why the Reach Act must be passed.
  • Ask your representative and/or senators to join the list of cosponsors at an in-district or in-state meeting. Maybe your member of Congress would be interested, as they have showed interest in this issue area via their support of the Global Food Security Act or by virtue of members in the House Women's Caucus. Remember: cosponsors can officially be added once the congressional recess is over

Check out the resources mentioned and more on our maternal/child health issue page as well as on our media toolkit page

Did You Meet With Legislators In-District? 

During this long summer recess . . . if you attended a town hall or book an in-district meeting, let us know what happened! Please report each of your lobby meetings through this reporting form right after they happen, and catch up on any missed meetings, as this information is extremely valuable to our advocacy progress and process as a wholeThink about the outreach you did to House and Senate offices as the conference concluded, and make a plan soon with your team to follow up with each office with whom you met. 

Upcoming Learning and Action Opportunities

September 10, 2 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots. Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

September 14, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

House and Senate return after Labor Day. 

Resources at Your Fingertips

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Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

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Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2016 Actions

2015 & 2016 Global Congressional Scorecards (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Who Are the New(est) Members of Congress? (scroll down page)

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