The Final Days of Fall Fundraising

November 29, 2010
by Donna Howard, RES/REF Development Director

As the countdown to the final days fall fundraising is upon us, please know that we are deeply grateful for your support and commitment. Your own financial support, coupled with events you’re hosting and the Friends and Family letter writing you’re conducting, is bringing us closer toward our $50,000 goal. To date, gifts and pledges that have come in during fall fundraising total $42,000 but there’s still much work to do: wrapping up Friends and Family letter writing, collecting event proceeds, and contacting individuals who typically contribute at the end of the year.

If you still have letters to send, please do so at your earliest convenience. Corporations and foundations look at support by members and friends to gauge our strength and determine whether or not they’re going to support our efforts. So, it’s not just the dollars raised but, the number of people participating in giving that counts, too! Once gifts begin to arrive, collect remittance envelopes and record donations on the donations tracking form until you think you have them all. Once you have them all:

  1. Carefully review checks and remittance envelopes for accuracy and for omissions such as expiration dates on credit cards, failure to check one of the gift designation boxes, or unsigned checks, etc.
  2. Be sure “Friend and Family” or “Events” is circled and that your group name is written on each envelope.
  3. Once all your donations are ready to go, please bundle the checks and remittance envelopes together and send them directly to the New York address on the remittance envelope:

     RESULTS Educational Fund, Inc. / P.O. Box 10413 / Uniondale, NY 11555-10413


  4. Also, in addition to mailing your checks to the bank, be sure to send your donation tracking form to the D.C. office ([email protected]).

Fall fundraising events: In addition to Friends and Family letter writing, some of our groups are also holding fundraising events this fall. Major kudos to San Jose, Ann Arbor, and Columbus volunteers for making hugely successful events possible in your communities! Be on the lookout for upcoming events in your area. Or, if you know anyone in these areas, please contact RESULTS staff for details. Here is the list of our upcoming events.

  • November 30: RESULTS Twin Cities, MN, fundraiser
  • December 5: RESULTS Chicago, IL, fundraiser
  • December 9: RESULTS Washington, DC, fundraiser

Finally, remember that anyone can donate online at anytime. Just go to our Donate page for more information. If donating online, be sure to write Friends and Family or the event and city in the note box. Thanks to everyone for supporting RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund during our annual Fall Fundraising Campaign. Your work in garnering these resources is critical to our organization!

If you have questions or need more information, please contact our Development Director Donna Howard at (202) 783-4800 or [email protected].

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