Taking Capitol Hill By Storm

May 7, 2015
by Allison Grossman, Senior Legislative Associate

Capitol Hill is a noisy place. Lobbyists, staffers, and members of Congress roam the marble halls talking about everything from healthcare to energy policy. But one critical voice is missing from these conversations — yours! 

As a Senior Legislative Associate at RESULTS, it's my job to help turn members of Congress into champions of policies that build paths out of poverty. And while I know that my voice as a policy expert is important, I also know that your voice as a constituent is far more powerful. 

The RESULTS International Conference is the perfect opportunity to speak up and change the conversation around the issues that matter most to you, from protecting and expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit to supporting education for all. On the last day of the conference, we take Capitol Hill by storm, sharing our vision of a world free from poverty directly with members of Congress. The last day is always my favorite part of the conference because I get to see all of you, our network of grassroots volunteers, raising your voices together to change the world. 

There are plenty of paid lobbyists on Capitol Hill every day, but it is rare for members of Congress to hear from constituents who are as well informed and passionate as our advocates. When RESULTS volunteers travel all the way to DC to talk about issues that matter to them, members of Congress and their staff take note. There are 535 members of Congress, including 71 new members, who need to hear from you this summer.

Your voice matters because members of Congress represent you. If you share our vision of a world free from poverty, speak up. We can't make our vision a reality without you. Join me at the RESULTS International Conference and make your voice heard on Capitol Hill.






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