Call Now to Stop the House's Harmful Tax Bill

November 15, 2017
by Jos G. Linn, Grassroots Manager for U.S. Poverty Campaigns

The next big test of the tax debate comes later today or tomorrow. The House will be voting on H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. You know the one, right? The bill that gives rich Americans and big corporations giant, unpaid-for tax cuts. The bill that adds $1.5 trillion to the federal debt, putting funding for SNAP (formerly Food Stamps), Medicaid, the EITC, Medicare, and other programs at grave risk. The bill that even changes the poverty-reducing Child Tax Credit to make it easier for wealthier families to claim, while not including any boost to the CTC for 10 million low-income children.

Call your representatives TODAY and tell them to vote NO on House leaders’ reckless tax plan. Call (877) 795-7862 and leave this message:

“I am a constituent of Representative ________________. House leaders’ Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will add trillions to the deficit at the expense of working families, funded by slashing support for Medicaid, nutrition programs, education, and more. Meanwhile, the plan’s boost to the Child Tax Credit leaves out 10 million children in low-income families and takes the CTC away from nearly 1 million children in immigrant families. It is unacceptable to make low-income Americans pay for special tax breaks for the wealthy and powerful. Will you please tell Rep. _____________ to vote NO on H.R. 1?”

This process is moving fast so we need your calls today. Please forward this message to everyone you know and urge them to call too. We have to make it as hard as possible for House members to support this bill, which will have far-reaching, devastating effects for years to come.

With the vote only a matter of hours away, your members need to hear from you. Please make that call today. Can’t call? Send a quick e-mail instead. Want more talking points, details about the House bill, or information on the Senate tax plan? Get all the details here.

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